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Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait by DarkWizardKiller

Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait


Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait - Part Three

Standard Disclaimers Apply…

Chapter Twenty Five - Farewells and Dreams

Kingsley Shacklebolt sat bolt upright in his bed. He realized at once he was bathed in a cold sweat as the disjointed images swirled around his mind.

He shook his head trying to organize his thoughts. When he felt a bit calmer he began to review what he had seen…

He was with the Muggle Prime Minister during a Press Conference. The Prime Minister was trying to reassure everyone the events that had occurred were isolated and singular in nature…but they weren't. He recalled trying to convince the Prime Minister the threat was real and grave but for some reason he refused to listen. They all were laughing at him as if he had told a very funny joke.

Next, he was at Hogsmead. Everyone was there! All of them…the Order of The Phoenix! Edgar, Benjy, Arabella, Hestia, Caradoc, Alice, Frank, Marlene, Fabian, Lily, James…all of them there…but they were dead, littered across the ground like discarded toys and broken dolls. It was Alastor who came to him out of the carnage, bloody and broken. Kingsley heard him speak.

"Do you really think you're clever enough to stop evil? Its magic is older and wiser than you are. You will fail!"

`Why would Mad Eye Moody, of all people, say such a thing?'

Next he found himself at Hogwarts. The castle was engulfed in fire. Hogwarts was burning! Black smoke billowed skyward from the mass of roiling flames. His eyes followed the smoke until they came to light on the Dark Mark! It hovered over the inferno shimmering in the glow as if feeding off the destruction below.

`No…not again!'

His thoughts were suddenly a mass of confusion and, for the first time since graduating from the Auror's Academy, fear…yes fear!

The green vaporous scull seemed to leer down at him as a hauntingly familiar shrill voice filled his mind's ear…

`You will fail!'

The mad cackling laughter that followed made his blood turn to ice.

The vision shifted to the Minister for Magic's office inside the Ministry. He was there but it was he who was seated at the Minister's desk…Why? He wasn't the Minister for Magic. He'd declined the appointment. He was the Director for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement! Then they were there…standing in his office, Pius, Cornelius, Rufus and Arthur.

"You must do something Kingsley," he heard Rufus Scrimgeour urge

gruffly, "The situation has become completely untenable. How do you plan to deal with this?"

"Yes," Pius Thicknesse added in his high, nasally irritating voice, his eyes looking vacant and blank, "You must give in. You cannot possibly defeat him. We must negotiate!"

"This is Dumbledore's doing I tell you!" Cornelius groused, "He simply wants all the power for himself! He'll do anything to have it! It's he who must be stopped!"

"Don't be ridiculous Fudge!" He heard a voice say, "You're just being paranoid as usual!"

"He'll destroy Potter," Pius interjected, "You'll see. The high and mighty Dumbledore will throw the lad into the snapping jaws of death before it's over! Mark my words! Where will your resistance be then Shacklebolt?"

"The words of the Prophecy are clear!" It was Arthur Weasley who spoke next. "We must take swift and decisive action!"

It was his own voice he heard next.

"I'm surprised at all of you, especially you Arthur. Since when do you allow yourself to be swayed by the mere words of a barmy old drunken sot?"

What words? What Prophecy? Was it the one that had resided in the Department of Mysteries, the one about Harry and Voldemort? It had been lost the night of the raid, had it not? It was the night Fudge had finally acknowledged Voldemort's return.

Voldemort - is - DEAD!

The words he heard in the Hogwarts vision returned, echoing in his mind once again with a frightening finality…

"You will fail!"

It was then he had awakened. His breath coming in short, deep gasps as he tried desperately to calm his frazzled nerves.

Audrey stirred beside him, turning to face him.

"Are you alright husband?" she asked in her soft voice rich with the accent of her true African heritage. It was like soft warm silk on the frayed and raw ends of his nerves.

How did I ever live without this woman…

"I'm sorry for disturbing you Audrey," he mumbled weakly, "Go back to sleep."

"You should know me better than that by now my love," she looked up at him with her lovely sleepy gaze, "What troubles you so?"

Kingsley could not stop the smile that slowly crept to his lips.

"Just a dream dear," he said, "Just a terrible dream, nothing more."

"Tell me," Audrey insisted. She would not be denied this night, or any other now that the constant threat of evil had been vanquished.

He did tell her. He told her all of it. Every detail he could remember.

There had been a time when it was not the case. There had been a time not so long ago when he would not…could not tell her anything. Often it had been due to the Fidelius but other times it had been the knowledge of the enemy and his motives and tactics. He knew Voldemort would not hesitate to strike at any advantage.

Kingsley had come to realize very quickly Voldemort had no use for such emotions as love or caring but he had been clever enough to realize what potent and powerful weapons emotions could be when used against those who valued such things.

He also knew how devastating they could be by the effects they had on those he knew, like young Harry Potter. The memories of the lad's losses were almost too difficult to recall but even though he had persevered in the face of insurmountable loss and pain. Now he would be a part of something new, untested and unique.

Kingsley was certain once Harry was exposed to the knowledge and experience he and his assistants had developed there was no telling how powerful the lad would become.

On one hand it was thrilling and gratifying to know Harry would be trained and educated in ways to master his natural talents. On the other, it was a bit frightening to know that one person could possess such indomitable power. If it were any other, Kingsley would not attempt it. He would have not even considered the possibility.

Kingsley also realized he had not been the only one who recognized Voldemort's tactics. At first it surprised him the young and seemingly inexperienced Ms. Hermione Granger had been so quick to recognize the danger but after getting to know the young Gryffindor he understood very quickly. Her unique intelligence and uncanny perception was unrivaled in most twice her age and experience.

Even though the procedure had been wrought with potential risk and the dangers of the unknown she had seen to the safety of her family. He thought it remarkable and daringly brilliant. One could not help but admire and respect the young woman who seemed so much older than her tender years would lead one to believe possible.

When he looked back down at his wife she lay silent for a time absorbing the words and images that haunted his mind. Then, in her usual graceful and calm manner proceeded to be his rock, his solid foundation she had been for him for so many years.

"Do you believe what you are doing is in the best interest of the safety and security of our world husband?"

Audrey's depth of perception never ceased to surprise him. He considered her words seriously for a long moment.

"Yes Audrey," Kingsley whispered, "I do. I'm almost certain of it."

"Then stay the course," she replied, rising up on her elbow to kiss her husband on the cheek, "Let belief and confidence in your own quest be your guides. I love you and have faith in your intuition and instincts. They have not failed you yet. Now go back to sleep. No more bad dreams."

"No more bad dreams Audrey," Kingsley smiled into the darkness for a moment marveling in his wife's faith and undeniable trust. He lay back down but this time, fell into a deep dreamless slumber.


The weeks that led up to her eventual return to Hogwarts found Hermione Granger working closely with a small army of Oblivators and Aurors to restore her parent's dental practice. It was a difficult and arduous but she went about the task with relish.

After an extensive and well-conceived explanation of the past months with a very relieved Minerva McGonagall the Grangers quickly fell back into their old routine and, somewhat to Hermione's dismay, old habits.

The memory of seeing her mother and father so unfettered and casual had stuck with her. Watching her mother become the prim and rather stiff matriarch she had always been was almost painful but Hermione didn't complain. They were alive and whole and they loved their daughter.

They had been very proud of her when McGonagall told them what Hermione had done, along with Harry and Ron, to save the wizard world. They both also agreed with the Headmistress that Hermione should complete her education so the possibility of not returning to Hogwarts was, at that point, inconceivable.

She wasn't sure how she felt about it. She knew Harry was going to accept Kingsley Shacklebolt's appointment to the special Aurors training program and would be gone to Merlin-knew-where for months.

As they stood in the Granger's driveway her father was finishing loading the last of her bags in the boot and her mother had quite inconspicuously went to sit on the passenger side.

For Hermione, standing there looking up at Harry she was struck with the sudden urge to call the whole thing off. She knew the decisions they both had made were the best for both of them…for their future but she just couldn't seem to keep her emotions from bubbling to the surface.

She thought her self control had weakened after all that had happened over the past months but as she looked into his sad eyes the reasons didn't seem to matter anymore.

Tears of misery exploded from her eyes as she threw herself at him with complete abandon. She held Harry in a death grip crying as hard as she ever had in her short life. She tried to reason with herself that this wasn't permanent or it wasn't like she was loosing him but just the thought of even a short separation from him now was almost unbearable.

Harry said nothing as he held the love of his life tightly to him. He knew what she was feeling because he - himself was feeling the same. Now that they had found each other he was loath to giver her up…even for the rational reason of completing her education. It was important just as Headmistress McGonagall had said. He knew that and to think otherwise would be selfish on his part but he couldn't suppress the sudden emptiness that filled him as he stood there on the steel grey chilly September morning.

The night before she had come to #12 so they could spend one last night alone together. Their lovemaking was so much more intense then it had been on the island. It was wrought with urgency and desperation as they clung to one-another in the darkness of Sirius' old room. They pleasured each other like never before - each wanting to give the other something of themselves to remember - remember why they were meant to be together.

He committed to memory everything about her. Every sound she made - every moan and cry that escaped the depths of her throat, every smell - how the muscles of her wonderful body moved and flexed under her warm sun kissed soft skin as she writhed beneath him - the way her eyes sparkled and flashed and how she clenched her teeth when she climaxed screaming and growling his name.

He marveled at how the magic swirled around them as they became completely lost, one wrapped around the other. It was incredible how light and colors seem to bend and swirl and dance around them. The magic seemed to weld them together - two hearts, two bodies, two separate minds but one soul - indelibly linked together forever.

As the heat and power of their physical love subsided and the magic that surrounded them settled the weight of what she knew was to come the next morning settled on Hermione's consciousness.

It was just as impossible to stop the emotions than as it was at that very moment standing there in front of her parent's house about to let him go for how long she had no clue.

He had told her about the petronus Kingsley had sent him with instructions earlier that day. Even though she knew he had accepted the Head Auror's appointment the reality of it all escaped her as she worked relentlessly to get her mother and father's lives back in order.

Now, standing at the threshold of the future she could not seem to make herself let go.

This is absurd Granger, she told herself, Get a-hold of yourself!

…But the words that echoed inside her head sounded empty and hollow.

"I love you Harry," she choked through her unstoppable tears, "I love you so m…much. I've just found you and now I've got to watch you walk away from m…me. I don't know if I'm strong enough."

This Hermione shocked Harry a little. He had seen her at her most vulnerable just as he had seen her at her best - on the hunt for clues and completely in control. This weakness was not something he was used to but he knew he had to be the strong one now even if he wasn't certain he could pull it off.

He leaned back slightly and took her face gently between his hands as she gazed up at him miserably.

"Please Hermione," he whispered then kissed her lips softly, "This isn't any easier for me but everyone says this is the right thing to do for both of us - your parents, the Headmistress, Kingsley, Mr. Weasley…all of them. That has to mean something, yes?"

Hermione put her hands over his and pulled them slowly from her cheeks to fold them in hers clutched tightly to her chest directly over her heart. She nodded unable to speak for a moment. She took a deep gasping breath to try and get control of her raging emotions.

Her father came over to them smiling laying a hand on both their shoulders.

"I'm sorry Harry…sweetheart, we must leave for the train very soon if we're to make it to King's Cross on time."

Over the past few weeks Hermione's parents had come to know Harry very well. They liked him very much. Her father thought him polite and respectful. Her mother thought him endearing and charming. Hermione made no secret her love for Harry but they had refrained from open displays of affection in front of her parents until she was certain how they would feel about just how deeply in love they were. At the moment though, she didn't really care what they thought.

Hermione took another deep breath and forced herself not to choke and burst out crying again. She didn't want Harry's memories of this moment to be of her as a blubbering idiot.

She pulled his hands to her lips and kissed them, her eyes never leaving his. With a blazing look that told Harry more than words could ever say she smiled a sad smile followed by her trademark sexy little crooked smirk…

"I love you with all my heart and everything that is within me to give to you for the rest of my life Harry James Potter…Now go be great!"

The desperate kiss that followed could have been classified - at least in Hermione's befuddled mind - as one of the greatest kisses of ALL TIME! Her body reacted in ways she never imagined when kissing a boy. Her heart pounded like a base drum being assaulted by a hale storm. Her tight-fisted, white knuckled grip on his jumper was almost painful as her toes curled inside her trainers and her dainties twisted into painful knots inside her trousers.

When they finally and reluctantly separated she was gasping for breath her face bright crimson.

"I don't have the words Hermione…" was all Harry could reply.

Still gasping and a bit light headed she smiled again her eyes wide with wonder.

"Erm…I…I don't think words are necessary at this point Harry!"

"I love you Hermione."

"And I you," she said backing toward her mother's sedan, "Write me Harry please!"

"I will," he said, leaning forward and reaching out as if to take hold of her again but he stopped himself.

They both knew she had to go.

Finally, Hermione turned and opened the door to the car and slid into the back seat. Harry couldn't stop from propelling himself forward.

Mr. Granger smiled and took Harry's hand in a warm shake.

"I'm sure we'll see you soon Harry. Take care of yourself."

"Yes," Hermione's mother said leaning over so she could see Harry from the other side of the car, "If you need anything don't hesitate to call on us, please Harry. We're here for you alright?"

Harry could only whisper a choked `thank you', smile and wave at the elder Granger matriarch. He placed his hand on the window next to the girl that meant more to him than life itself. Tears were falling again as the sadness that dominated her beautiful face was almost unbearable.

She reached up and placed her tiny hand against the glass completely obscured by his larger one.

How am I going to make it without her…

The last seven years and so much of what they had gone through flashed across his mind like a film on fast-forward. The wonderful time they had spent alone together in paradise settled on him like a warm blanket.

He couldn't have stopped his own tears even if he wanted to so it took all the strength he possessed to step back as the big black sedan slowly backed out of the drive. Their eyes locked together one last time before the car moved forward then turned to the right and moved out of sight up the tree-lined avenue toward downtown London.

Harry stood there, hand still raised as loneliness settled on him like the empty and silent Granger house behind him.


As the car turned the corner Hermione closed her eyes and tried to hold herself together but it was no use. She let her head fall into her hands as she tried not to let the shattering pieces of her heart become lost somewhere inside the depths of her soul. She tried to tell herself they would be together again one day soon but it helped little. The uncertainty and insecurity that had plagued her for the past several years had become a part of who she was. She was well aware it was much more profound for her Harry.

When she looked up she saw her mother's concerned face blurred through the vale of her tears.

"You really love him don't you Hermione?" Her mother asked, one eyebrow raised slightly.

She couldn't speak. She only nodded as she turned to look out the window at London passing by. Cars parked on the street passed in an incomprehensible blur while the houses set further back moved by her more slowly.

Her mother just looked at her daughter for a long silent moment before she reached back between the front seats and took Hermione's hand in hers. The look in her mother's eyes was uncharacteristically warm and tender which was a bit incongruous to the resurgence of her rather stiff demeanor.

"True love doesn't stop, rest or diminish when we are separated from the ones we love daughter," her mother whispered, "It gives us time to appreciate how much they mean to us and just how important they are in our lives. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that young man loves you just as much in return…wouldn't you agree?"

The smile on her mother's face was full of joy and just a touch of that Granger know-it-all mentality she had seen so many times in the mirror over the years. It was just that time and experience had taught her mother to conceal it well.

Hermione couldn't help but smile through her own misery and tears. She knew the answer to that inquiry, of course…

"Yes mother," she whispered, "You're absolutely right."
