Unofficial Portkey Archive

Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait by DarkWizardKiller

Harry Potter and the Gilded Portrait


Harry Potter and The Gilded Portrait - Part Two

Standard Disclaimers Apply

Chapter Sixteen - The Prodigal Dunderhead Returns

The morning found Harry sipping a cup of fresh hot coffee at the table in the dungeon kitchen as he perused the day's copy of the Prophet.

He knew Hermione would either be at St. Mungo's with her parents or at her house and he planned to join her as soon as he was done with his breakfast.

The anger he felt for Ron the night before had changed into something more like pity for his best mate. The guilt he felt the night before dissipated with the rising of the sun because he had finally understood Ron had caused his own troubles. Voldemort had nothing to do with anything anymore. It was just an attack of a guilty conscience but the memories of the visions the locket produced lingered in the back of his mind.

All Harry knew was his feelings for Hermione were growing stronger and more real by the day and he was beginning to realize their connection might be mutual. It was all that mattered to him at present. She needed him and he would do anything to be there for her no matter what. Nothing else was more important to him at the moment.

As he scanned the headlines he saw another review of Ron's book with Rita Skeeter. He finally saw what it had been titled;

The Demise of Darkness; The Final Days of Lord Voldemort {By Rita Skeeter…as told by Ronald B. Wheezly}

It made Harry chuckle Ron wasn't even getting top billing on his own book and she had even spelled his name wrong! He could hear Hermione - "Serves the idiot right…"

Ahh…Poetic justice!

He heard someone shuffling about on the floor above him then footsteps falling on the stairs. A moment later a much hung-over Ron stumbled through the kitchen door and practically fell onto the bench on the other side of the table across from Harry. He gave the little house elf a significant glance.

"It's alright Kreacher," Harry said glaring at Ron, "I'm quite interested in what the idiot has to say to explain himself."

Kreacher glared at Ron as well while making a soft growling sound reluctantly sliding a cup of coffee in front of him then turned back to Harry.

"Shall I prepare more breakfast Harry Potter?"

Harry tossed another irritated glance at Ron but then sighed. As much as he didn't want to admit it at the moment Ron was still one of only two friends he had in the world he could somewhat trust these days. That thought wasn't causing any warm and fuzzy notions at present though.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"Famished," Ron croaked.

"Yes Kreacher," Harry looked at the elf as if trying to apologize for having to put up with the whole mess, "If you would be so kind."

Kreacher returned a look that suggested he would rather lop off his own head and mount it on the wall next to his kin than cater to the half-drunk half-wit but bowed none the less and went about his task.

"So," Harry said trying to break the tension, "Looks like your book is doing well. I suppose the galleons are rolling in. What will you do with all that wealth?"

The scathing sarcasm in Harry's voice was not lost on Ron's pickled brain. He shot Harry a scowl.

"It's not like I've got a vault full at Gringotts or something but it should net a tidy sum if I'm lucky."

Ouch! - Touché! Well at least we know his wit isn't as dead as his brain!

Harry leaned forward looking pointedly across the table at Ron.

"What the bloody hell were you thinking bringing that girl here last night? Have you taken complete leave of your senses?"

After he said it he realized not all Ron's senses had taken leave. His Ickle Ronnykins was apparently working just fine.

"Look," Ron replied, "she wanted to meet you alright? I…didn't realize things would get quite so out of hand," Ron paused and took a shuddering breath, "Sorry about that. Besides I had to break out of the Minister's mansion to see Cassie and I knew this place was still un-plottable. I'm sure mum's got the entire Department of Magical Law Enforcement looking for me."

"Great!" Harry huffed, hands smacking the table top, "So you're saying I can expect Aurors to be crashing in on the place any moment? Thanks for that. I should have tossed your arse out last night!"

"Lighten up Harry," Ron grinned, "I don't think it's like all that. You might get a visit form Kingsley today though. We should be gone by then."

Harry was still plenty angry but part of him, the bloke, was curious about this girl. She had quite a reputation according to the Prophet. He had never met a girl like Cassandra before. The closest he ever got to a real scarlet woman was Romilda Vane but as Ron's antics seem to complicate his life all of a sudden he just wanted to be shed of it as quickly and quietly as possible. The last thing he wanted was to see his own face and/or name in the Prophet associated with Ron's utter lack of responsibility. Things were hard enough as they were.

"Hermione was here last night," Harry said, knowing the knowledge would cause a twinge but as he sat there looking at Ron he saw absolutely no reaction to the news at all, "She saw the girl come out of the room and go to the loo."

Ron still didn't indicate the news bothered him in the slightest.

"The girl was starkers Ron!" Harry added.

That bit of information made Ron's eyebrows raise then a smirk crossed his puffy and chapped lips.

"That's Cassie for you," he chuckled, "Got bullocks the size of grapefruits that one!"

Harry's irritation spiked. He couldn't help himself. Ron's cavalier attitude made his blood boil.

"You mean it doesn't bother you to know Hermione saw you in bed with her?"

Ron smacked the table top and leaned back.

"Why should it Harry?" It was Ron's turn to become irritated, "Why should she care who I'm with or what I'm doing? It's not like Hermione's all that interested in being together with me now is she? I mean really…"

"Well Ron," Harry shot back, "It isn't like she's had much time with fetching her parent's from Australia and…"

He stopped. Harry wasn't sure it was wise to be telling Ron everything. Hermione had kept the problems with her parents a secret. He knew telling Ron was tantamount to printing it in bold script on the front page of the Prophet.

"Yah," Ron shot back, "Well where was she the day I took my brother to St. Mungo's Harry?"

Harry tried to explain what happened when he met with McGonagall but Ron didn't seem to care.

"Look Harry. It doesn't matter," Ron replied looking a bit sad, "Hermione made a choice based on what was best for her at the moment, yes? Why am I just supposed to accept that and then have everyone get on my case for doing what I want?"

"Maybe it's because she's not running about getting her picture in the Prophet drunk out of her mind hanging on whatever bird happens to be nearby…"

"Is that what you think I'm doing?" Ron asked, "and since when do you put any stock in the rubbish printed in the Prophet?"

Harry jumped up from the table and snatched an older copy of the Prophet from a stack near the fireplace. He crossed the room and slapped it on the table in front of Ron. It was the night he was photographed at The Dancing Leprechaun.

"Then you tell me what it is you're doing Ron," Harry asked agitatedly, "Public relations for your new book!"

Ron wanted to try and explain what he was feeling that night. The loss and confusion of what was happening with his family but it was much too difficult and the after-effects of too much fire whiskey made it seem daunting in the extreme. He looked up into Harry's angry gaze and a thought occurred to him.

"Why is it of the three of us everyone thinks Hermione Granger always knows what's best for everyone else? Why is everyone so convinced she always has the right answers about everything?"

The question caught Harry completely off guard.

Why, indeed?

He had to think about it for a moment but it didn't take long for him to come to the obvious conclusion.

It was simply that Hermione was right. She was much better at life than both of them combined. It wasn't a mystery she had been the glue that held them together through the years. They'd probably both be dead if it weren't for her and it shocked Harry slightly to think she still cared for Ron even after all the things he had done to try and ruin even a friendly relationship with her.

Hermione's right! You are thick as mud!

"You know as well as I do we could not have accomplished what we did without her. We'd all be dead and Voldemort would still be alive! That has to count for something yes?"

"No argument there Harry," Ron admitted, "and the next time I run into an evil dark wizard bent on enslaving the world I'll know who to turn to for help but as far as why she and I aren't together," he paused to sigh, "That wasn't my call mate."

Harry still thought Ron could have been a bit more understanding about the whole thing but he didn't really care any longer. He looked at Ron as Kreacher slid plates full of piping hot breakfast under their noses.

"Bless you Kreacher," Ron muttered as he dug in.

"What about the girl?" Harry asked.

"I suspect she'll be down shortly," Ron said right before he crammed a fork full of eggs in his mouth, "she's all agog about meeting the Golden Boy!"

"Please don't call me that!" Harry grimaced.

"Not me, mate," Ron picked up the Prophet and threw it at Harry.

He realized instantly the message being sent by that gesture.

"Alright," Harry conceded, "Point taken."

"Glad we can at least agree on something," Ron grinned.

Ron looked at Harry for a moment reluctant to ask the next question but curious all the same.

"So what's with you and Ginny?"

Harry sighed and looked at his hands.

"Apparently," Harry said sadly, "there is no me and Ginny. Seems she's gotten back with Dean Thomas. Said she was angry I didn't let her fight with me during the war and what made it worse was I let Hermione…or something like that."

Ron smirked.

"Well I would like to sit here and be all shocked and surprised and everything but the truth is I suspected something was happening. I saw them together at St. Mungo's and got in Ginny's face about it. She just told me to mind my business. You know how she gets when I start meddling?"

Harry nodded glumly.

"Hey," Ron asked, "You want me to rough Dean up a bit for you. Maybe I can make him disappear for a while, you know like the bloke who got lost in the vanishing cabinet?"

Harry gave him a dour look. Ron shrugged.

"Just a thought!"

As he sat there he suddenly wanted to tell Ron about his feelings for Hermione. He wasn't sure why because he knew it would probably cause another row but the way Ron had acted about the news Hermione had seen Cassandra last night made him think Ron had gotten past his feelings for her. He wasn't sure how he would react to the knowledge he and Hermione were beginning to feel things for one-another. He thought it was better than keeping it all a secret because he was getting tired of that.

"Listen Ron," Harry said shifting nervously in his seat. Above them he could hear footsteps. He knew the girl was stirring. He heard the bathroom door close and glancing at Ron decided to just be out with it, "I think things are changing between me and Hermione. I'm not exactly sure what that means at this point so don't ask. The only reason I'm telling you this is because I don't want there to be any secrets between us. She says she needs me and to be honest I don't mind being there for her. I feel it's the least I can do after everything she's done for me over the years."

Ron stared at Harry for a moment, his face unreadable. Harry braced himself for the worst but then another smirk crossed his lips as he leaned forward on his elbows.

"I'm really not all that surprised Harry."

"Well that makes one of us," Harry said a bit glumly but inwardly a bit shocked at Ron's response.

"You know," Ron went on, "it's stupid but I think one of the reasons I wanted to get Hermione was because you and her are so close."

That statement was like a cold slap in the face to Harry. He sat bolt upright and was about to go off but Ron continued.

"I mean after all here you were, the bloody Boy Who Lived. Everyone knew who you were. You were famous before you were old enough to even realize you were a wizard and if that wasn't enough you turned out to be tops at flying and one of the best Seekers ever. A bit of a tough act to follow, I'd say. Even Dumbledore seemed to hold you in higher regard than any other student…"

Harry leaned forward to say something but Ron put up a hand to stop him.

"…And yes Harry we know why now. It was because of the barmy Prophecy. It's just to a twelve year old pure-blood wizard who has lived all his life in this world it just seemed a bit unusual and hard to swallow that's all. Call me a shallow prat if you like but it doesn't change the past now does it?"

"When you got picked for the Tri-Wizard Tournament it was like…I couldn't believe it. Even Fred and George couldn't get in. The outcome not withstanding I'm not going to pretend I wasn't just a bit jealous."

"A bit?" Harry smirked sarcastically.

"Ok…ok," Ron muttered, "Maybe a lot but still, here I was trying to figure out if there was anything I could do you couldn't."

"After the Quidditch match when Lavender threw herself at me I thought maybe I had found something I was a bit better at then you were."

When Ron paused for a moment to shove two pieces of bacon in his mouth Harry asked the obvious question.

"And that was?"

"Birds!" Ron replied, "I was going to be much better at getting girls than you so I think that's why I wanted Hermione so badly…well…that and to keep here away from Viktor Krum." Ron scowled when he said that name.

Harry's mouth fell open in disbelief. He couldn't believe how shallow his best friend was.

"Oh don't look at me like that Harry," Ron growled, "It's what happens when you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon! I had to rely on other subtle qualities like deception and under-handed sneakiness. Don't even pretend you didn't suspect."

"I figured if I started snogging Lavender in front of Hermione it would make her realize what she was loosing and she would…you know, fight for me or…something."

Harry was stunned but couldn't help but dig at Ron's pathetic logic.

"And how well did that work out for you?" He asked chuckling.

Ron's eyes narrowed.

"You know exactly how it turned out. I still have the scars from those bloody canaries to prove it. Ok…so my idea of using reverse psychology backfired horribly."

"No Ron," Harry quipped, "It completely blew up in your face! Did you really think you could manipulate someone as clever as Hermione? I can't believe you would even try something so foolish."

"Yes…well," Ron muttered, "I didn't realize you have to be at least as clever as the one you're trying to let on. What do you expect Harry I was 15. I didn't say it was good plan. It was all I could think of. The worst of it was I wasn't smart enough to realize she already fancied me but of course she didn't make it easy for a bloke to know that, all the thrashing about simply pushed us farther away from one-another!"

Ron looked at Harry soberly for a moment.

"Did you know Hermione shagged Viktor Krum?"

His declaration made Harry feel like he had suddenly been stepped on by Grawp. That had to be stupid empty gossip. His temper flared hot.

"I don't believe it for one…" Harry growled but before he could finish his admonition Ron cut across him.

"Padma told me," Ron said, "She was making her way to the Owlry to send a post when she passed the Charms classroom that night after the Yule Ball. She said she heard moaning and groaning coming from inside. Apparently in their haste they forgot to latch the classroom door. Padma said she thought it might have been someone hurt what with all the strange things happening around Hogwarts so she peaked inside."

"She said she saw Hermione starkers from the knickers up sitting on top of Viktor who was almost completely naked. Shocked her so much she had to look twice to make sure it was really Hermione."

"I don't believe a word of it Ron!" Harry said angrily.

"Calm down Harry," Ron raised his hands to try and settle Harry down, "I wasn't sure I did either but the next morning Ginny asked me if we had gone down to Hagrid's or something. I asked her why and she said she was just wondering because Hermione didn't come back to the girl's dorm until very late."

"I went back to Padma and made her swear what she told me was the truth. I also told her if she breathed a word of it to anyone else I'd hex her into oblivion for it. I don't think she ever told anyone else about it and I'm almost certain she really didn't like me very much after that. Of course, I don't think she thought much of either one of us after that ridiculous dance. What a nightmare!"

"But think about it mate," Ron added, "It would explain the whole Second Task thing wouldn't it? I mean…why would a famous and internationally known Quidditch star who could probably have any bird he wanted tell the Officials Hermione was the dearest and most important thing in his life? Doesn't make sense, that. They had known one-another for what…less than a bleeding month!"

As uncomfortable as it made Harry to think it he had to admit what Ron was telling him started making sense. He remembered how Viktor had looked at Hermione at the Lupin/Tonks funeral service, like he was undressing her with his eyes. The thought of it made Harry's anger flare again.

"I still find it hard to believe," Harry said, "It just doesn't square with the Hermione we know. She's just not that kind of girl…"

But the truth was Harry wasn't really sure any longer. They sat in silence for a moment while Harry's mind tried to absorb the possibility that Hermione Granger could be an experienced woman.

"So why tell me this now," Harry asked, "and if you knew why didn't you tell me back then?"

Ron looked pointedly at Harry for a moment.

"Like I said Harry, I wasn't sure I believed it either and I certainly wasn't going to spread something like that around. It could have ruined Hermione's reputation…not that any of us were all that popular to begin with but still…that's not the kind of thing you go tossing about in general conversation now is it?"

"Besides," Ron added, "I wasn't about to give that Bulgarian bastard the satisfaction of letting on I suspected and the reason I'm telling you all this now is just as you said…no secrets. If you're starting to fancy Hermione then you need to know the whole truth."

Harry got up from the table, his breakfast only half eaten and began to pace the floor in front of the fireplace. He tried to figure out why he hadn't known or why he hadn't suspected. He glanced at Ron.

"Why would she do something like that and why didn't I realize?" He asked.

"Harry?" Ron leaned back and folded his arms, "Don't be daft mate. I mean think about it. You were gone on Cho Chang and being chased around by Death Eaters and such. Me," Ron gestured to himself with a hand, "I was so thick I didn't realize what was going on at the time so I completely looked right past her like she wasn't even there. I was completely self-absorbed in my own stupid endeavors to top the great Harry Potter. It's no wonder she fell for the bloke."

Ron looked down at his plate, his voice dropping to just above a whisper.

"Viktor was the first one to see what we should have seen all along and he gave her something we didn't…attention…I mean real attention because she was a lovely girl…not just our resident know-it-all…get what I'm saying Harry?"

"Well it doesn't matter any more," Harry spit, "We saw Viktor at Dora and Remus' service. He's getting married to some snobbish prig he was with that afternoon. She made certain everyone knew it the way she was acting. Knowing what I know now I can't imagine how it must have made Hermione feel…"

"You think she still has feelings for him?" Ron asked.

"I don't…" Harry wanted to say she didn't but in light of what he had just been told he wasn't sure of anything, "…think so but who's to say Ron. I'm slowly finding out nothing has turned out the way I thought it would and nothing seems to make any sense."

"I'm not so sure about that Harry." Ron said, "You ending up with Hermione makes a hell of a lot more sense then she and I, yah? I'm just sorry things didn't turn out for you and Ginny. I know you really cared for her."

"Yes…well," Harry sighed, "at least she had the courage to face me and tell me the truth. It says a lot about your sister."

"Yah," Ron chuckled, "The girl's got stones and I'd rather kiss a blast-ended skrewt then cross her."

Harry smirked at the comment as he sunk limply back onto the bench across from Ron still shoveling food into his mouth as if it were his last meal.

"So tell me Ron," Harry asked sternly, "What about this book you've written with that troll Rita Skeeter? I'm telling you right now…if you've spilled your guts to the woman then you're a nutter…"

"It isn't like that Harry," Ron replied looking seriously at Harry, "I swear it. I made her put a clause in the contract to force her to write exactly what I told her…"

"And that's supposed to make me feel better about it?" Harry quipped.

"Look mate," Ron held up his hands, "I'm telling you it's nothing but what happened during the hunt for the Horcruxes and up until old Voldy stopped breathing. Honestly. Read it! You'll see for yourself."

Harry was still skeptical. He crossed his arms offering Ron another glare.

"Harry," Ron added, "I promise I didn't tell her anything she didn't need to know. The whole thing is protected by a Fidelius charm. I'll admit there are probably a few facts missing, like the time I wasn't with you two when we were camping out all over the place but the rest is on the up and up. Just the events as they happened."

"Well," Harry sighed in resignation, "You really didn't miss much only that Hermione seemed completely out of sorts because you left."

Ron grimaced.

"I figured as much," he said, "I mean, none of that kind of thing is in the book, mind you. It's just I wonder if my leaving had more of an effect on her than I thought. Do you think it did Harry?"

"Honestly," Harry shrugged, "I don't know Ron. I will tell you I had never seen her so sad. It was like she was heart broken."

Harry realized they had never talked about it before. He wondered if telling Ron this was going a bit too far. There was nothing to be gained from opening those old wounds but as he sat there he realized Ron's actions and attitudes told him he no longer seemed to care for Hermione in that way but he also knew how inconsistent and confusing Ron could be when it came to Hermione. One almost needed a score card to keep track of their tempestuous relationship.

Ron looked thoughtful for a moment.

"I deserve that."

"Look," Harry added, "I didn't tell you that to try and hurt you. It was just an observation of the situation Ron. It doesn't mean anything."

"Yes, Harry," Ron replied matter-of-factly, "It means everything you dolt. The truth is…you've been there for her…all along. It's not just for leaving you two in the Forrest of Dean. It's for all the years we bickered and argued and were constantly at odds with one-another over some of the most ridiculous things. It was mostly my shallow stupidity that caused it. I'm just amazed she felt anything for me at all but loathing."

For the first time since he had known his two best friends he had to admit what Ron was saying had some merit. Ron had done and said some pretty stupid and hurtful things to Hermione over the years and now as he looked at it from Ron's perspective he too wondered why Hermione continued to have feelings for him. He was simply glad she did. If she hadn't he didn't want to think what his life would have been like without both of them. Without Hermione they would have had no chance of succeeding against all the Dark Magic surrounding them and without Ron his life would have been completely devoid of any solid, trustworthy companionship. What Harry had realized from the start was Hermione's value as a friend and companion…Ron didn't and never could get past seeing her as just another "bird."

He couldn't help but wonder how it would affect his two best friends as they moved toward an uncertain future. He worried if Ron and Hermione could find some kind of common ground? He didn't want to be between them if they remained at odds with one-another. He didn't know how he would be able to manage it. It was just one more question he had no answer to at present and it left him feeling a trifle empty.

They both looked up as Cassandra swept into the kitchen like she owned #12. She was wearing a bright red half-tee shirt and very tight jeans. It was obvious to both boys at once she considered underwear optional. Her large breasts strained the thin material of the shirt so they stood out as if she were not wearing a shirt at all.

Harry tried his best to divert his gaze but Ron wasn't nearly so subtle. He turned on his seat, gathered the girl in his arms and proceeded to burry his face between her ample mounds making strange growling noises.

It was most embarrassing. Harry stifled a roll of his eyes.

After extricating his face from Cassandra's cleavage, he turned to Harry.

"Cassandra," he said grinning stupidly as if he was suddenly confunded, "This is the famous Harry Potter, Savior of the Wizarding world, one of the Golden Trio, etcetera…etcetera."

Cassandra's smile seemed to broaden so much Harry thought he could see all her teeth. There was something in her eyes that unsettled Harry quite a bit. He wasn't sure what it was but it was as if to her, he suddenly took on the appearance of something very tasty. It didn't seem to bother Ron in the slightest.

He had to admit the girl was gorgeous. He thought she could even give Fleur a run for her money in the looks department and that was saying something.

She held out her hand and Harry politely took it in his.

"Oh, it's such an honor to meet you Harry," Cassandra gushed, "Ronny's told me so much about you."

Before Harry knew it she had plopped on the bench sitting so close to him all he had to do was look down to get an up close and personal view of two of the most incredible female breasts he had ever seen. He forced himself to keep his eyes locked on hers.

"I suppose we all owe you a debt of gratitude for what you and Ronny did for all of us," she continued, "it was so awfully wonderful of you."

"Erm…thanks," Harry stammered. He could feel the heat rising out of the collar of his shirt. If he sat there much longer his glasses were going to fog up. As gently as he could he extracted himself from her close proximity and acted like he was helping Kreacher in the kitchen, "Would you like some coffee, maybe some breakfast? Kreacher can fix whatever you like."

"Oh yes, please," Cassandra gushed again, "That's ever so kind of you, as long as it's no trouble."

"No trouble," Harry smiled. At least the girl was polite.

Moments later she sat devouring her breakfast with the same wild abandon as Ron. Harry thought they were more alike than different in the way they acted but he still couldn't quite figure out why this exceptionally beautiful woman was with a dunderhead like Ronald Weasley?

I guess the bloke's got something she wants.

"So what are you up to today Harry?" Ron asked as he swallowed another mouthful of eggs and kippers.

"I don't know," Harry replied shrugging while he absent-mindedly washed the dishes in the sink. He had no idea why he was doing it. Kreacher usually waited till he had all the dirty dishes then, with a snap of his fingers the dishes washed, dried then put themselves away, "I thought I might go visit little Teddy this morning. I haven't seen him since he was born for Marlin's sake. Some Godfather I'm turning out to be." He lied. He did indeed need to go see the little tyke but it would have to wait until things with Hermione settled down a bit.

"Well it isn't like you've had loads of free time now is it?" Ron replied as he got up from the table, "Hermione going with you?"

Harry turned to look at Ron.

"I don't know what Hermione's doing just now. I think she went back home last night as far as I know. She wasn't exactly very chatty when she left."

Harry's scathing comment wasn't lost on Ron who simply frowned.

"Hermione?" Cassandra asked, "You mean Hermione Granger, the third member of the Golden Trio? Oh do you think I could meet her too? Then I could say I've met all three of you?"

Cassandra said it with so much enthusiasm it almost made Harry burst out laughing. He could just imagine that meeting in his mind. The fall out and destruction would be devastating. It would make Voldemort's evil look like a Muggle child with a toy wand.

Ron's face blanched white instantly.

"Err…Cassandra," Ron stammered, "I'm not sure that's the best idea, besides I need to get to Diagon Alley to get my books and things."

That statement caught Harry by surprise.

"Books?" he asked.

"Yah," Ron replied with a dour look, "Seems I'm being required to finish my last term at Hogwarts. Mum and dad said I had to go. Not so bad, really. At first he was thinking of putting me in the Muggle military! I swear, they've both gone barking mad!"

"Well can you blame them Ron!" Harry blurted out before he thought better of it. "I mean your father is now Minister for Magic!" He tired to back-peddle a bit. "I mean, it's not such a good idea getting your picture in the Prophet totally knackered now is it?"

The look on Ron's face could only be described as mutinous.

"Gods," he growled, "They've gotten to you too haven't they?"

"What? What are you…", Harry stammered.

"My mum," Ron blurted out, "She's been telling everyone `That Ronald's going to be the death of us all. Try and talk some sense into him if you please!' His attempt at sounding like his mother made him sound more like his impression of the old hag in the Black family portrait just up the stairs. "What? Did she come here and lecture you too?"

"No Ron," Harry said shocked, "I haven't seen your mum since Dora and Remus' funeral. She didn't say anything about you at all! She did thank me for offering to let the lot of you stay though."

Ron seemed to deflate and the horrid red glow of his head dissipated abruptly.

"Oh…well…sorry," Ron said as he got up from the table. Having finished their breakfasts he and Cassandra decided they best clear out before his parents figured out where he was.

"So what about you Harry?" Ron asked as he turned to go back up stares to clean up, "You going back to Hogwarts as well?"

Harry briefly told him the offer Kingsley Shacklebolt had made him. Ron just gave Harry a significant look.

"So you're going to be an Auror?" Ron chuckled, "Guess I shouldn't be surprised by that either. I just figured you were over all that chasing down dark wizards shite. You know," Ron said putting a hand on his pointed chin, "I'll be willing to bet you could get on just about any Quidditch team you wanted to if you had a mind to go professional. What with you being famous and all I'd bet they'd snatch you up in a second!"

Harry thought about what Ron said for about three seconds and came to a decisive conclusion about that idea.

"Maybe you're right Ron but I really have no desire to play professional Quidditch. It was fun in Hogwarts and I do love flying but really," Harry smirked, "I've had enough concussions and bludger pulverized bones to last me a lifetime and I think going back to Hogwarts at this point would be a bad mistake. I think it would cause the school more trouble than it's worth. Besides," Harry's look went serious, "I've had just enough of being treated like an oddity and gawked at like a transfiguration experiment gone horribly wrong all the time. I think it would be much worse now."

"Hmm," Ron grunted contemplatively, "Maybe you're right Harry, maybe the Auror's Department in the best place for you. All those budding Dark Wizards out there would think twice about trying to rise to power with you on the job." The look on Ron's face was one of scathing cynicism.

"Right," Harry replied darkly as he himself got up and decided to make ready to leave. He stopped suddenly and turned on Ron as he watched Cassandra disappear up the stairs, "By the way, I think you owe Kreacher an apology for last night and we would very much appreciate it if you would clean up Regulus' room and put it back the way it was before you leave. That's Kreacher's room now, just so you know."

Ron looked properly chastised. He moved over to where Kreacher was gathering dishes and bent down to the little house elf's level.

"I am truly sorry for last night Kreacher," Ron declared honestly, "I was a bloody ingrate and a twice-bloody fool. I hope you'll forgive us. We were fairly trashed last night. We'll put your room back just as it was and I promise the next time we visit we'll be much better behaved. Thanks for the nosh all the same."

Kreacher bowed slightly but still looked as if Ron smelled like spoiled stink sap.

Within a half hour Ron and Cassandra snuck out the front door using a Disillusionment Charm and Harry apparated to the Granger house. He was not looking forward to what he might find when he got there, if he would find Hermione there at all. He knew where she would be if she wasn't.

A/N; I realize the story is moving kind of slow but as I've said before…it does get better and more exciting - I promise. (And you all thought Voldemort was gone for good! Ha Ha…That's what you think!!!)

I thought it necessary to try and develop the transition from Ron/Hermione into Harry/Hermione in a realistic and believable way. Even though this is obviously not canon it has always been my opinion Harry and Hermione were much more suited to one-another than Ron and Hermione just from a personality stand point.

In canon, Harry would never throw himself in front of Ron to get to Hermione or even Ginny for that matter. It wasn't in his nature and he lacked the experience to pull it off. He would, however, want to protect her even from his best friend if it meant keeping Hermione from getting hurt…yes? Think about it…

I simply loath stories that gloss over or ignore all together the events as they occurred in the books. Throwing Harry and Hermione together without creating some form of transition is annoying and a complete disservice to J.K.R's creation…even though we take liberties with it.

As always…thanks for reading and putting up with all this. Please let me know what you think!

