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The Head Boy's Laundry: Lingerie by sugarbear_1269

The Head Boy's Laundry: Lingerie


Draco schemed for the rest of the week and the entire following one, trying to dream up some appropriate retribution. He had gone so far as to contemplate Apparating to Diagon Alley from Hogsmeade, but decided that being expelled for doing it without a license wasn't worth it. He'd known how to do it since fourth year, but only because his father was teaching him in the ways of deception.

Ten days after he received his cloak from a fleeing Ginny, he decided on a plan. It was a Hogsmeade Saturday, and he quickly distanced himself from his pack of goons and slipped off to the ladies' boutique a few blocks from the main street of the village. On the few occasions that his mother had chanced to visit him at school, she always insisted on patronizing this particular shop. And if it was good enough for Narcissa Malfoy, it was fine for him.

He strode into the small shop, head held high. After all, hadn't he spent many of his formative years accompanying his mother on her interminable shopping trips? There was no way to count the endless hours he had spent sitting in a comfortable chair while his mother artfully haggled over expensive fabrics. It had been boring, but he had picked up one or two things along the way.

The short, effusive witch bustled out and stopped short when presented with a rather tall, ice blond male.

"Doubtless young master Malfoy. How may I assist you?" she asked respectfully, and Draco half expected her to dip into a deep curtsy.

"Show me your finest lingerie," he said boldly, and the shopkeeper did a fair job of keeping her eyes in her head.

"I have an excellent selection of silks, satins, laces - anything you could wish for - for your lady friend. Tell me, do you know what size you are looking for?"

The witch - Griselda Bumbershoot by name - summoned a thick piece of tailor's chalk and drew an outline in the air. "Would you say that is close to your lady's shape?"

Sneering, Draco snatched the chalk from her. Watching all those dress forms and store model-witches had taught him a thing or two about eyeballing women. And after having held this particular woman in his arms, having mapped her curves with his own hands, he drew his own figure. Through the white line, Ginny's lush body came to life, showing in simplistic detail the generous size of her breasts, the inward lines of her waist and the slight flare of her hips.

He handed the chalk back to Griselda and stood for a moment, contemplating what he had drawn. Standing before the hovering outline, he took his hands and held them just outside the lines, verifying that he'd drawn the dimensions true to life.

"That's it," he announced. "That's her." Griselda nodded, and pointed her wand at a nearby dress form and muttered a resizing spell, changing the mannequin to make it emulate Ginny's body. Draco moved toward the form and actually put his hands on it, nodding to the witch.

For the next hour and a half, Griselda dressed the Ginny-form in all kinds of frothy concoctions designed to accentuate the body and titillate the mind. Well, at the very least, it was fetching eye-candy-wrapping. It was interesting to see the form grow legs when needed, to display stockings and tiny knickers.

"I'm beginning to think you have nothing for me, Ms. Bumbershoot," he sighed, massaging his forehead as he slumped in the overstuffed chair she brought him. He'd summarily dismissed those things in red, yellow and pink. White was too wedding-like for his tastes. Black was always an option, but he didn't want her to look like a ghost in his bed.

"Master Malfoy," Griselda huffed, "I am the premier maker of ladies' lingerie in all of Scotland. If I have nothing to satisfy your tastes, perhaps your tastes are better satisfied in Knockturn Alley!"

He looked up to glare at her and tell her in no uncertain terms that she was speaking of Lucius Malfoy and he didn't appreciate her insinuations. Lifting his gaze, it trained instead on the dress form and his words halted in his throat.

Slytherin green lace-covered satin gleamed back at him. The garment was a teddy, featuring a corset-like top that would plump her breasts up and give her deep cleavage. The waist had a soft ruffle around it, tapering into a thong of the same lace over satin design. Garters stretched from the waist down thigh-high stockings of the same shade of rich green.

"That's what I want," he announced. "Package it discreetly and shrink it."

Griselda nodded tightly and swept imperiously across her store to the front counter. Summoning the clothing, she had no reservations about letting the floating stockings smack him in the back of the head.

Glaring at the witch, Draco set his hair to rights and paid the ridiculous amount of Galleons he was charged. When all was said and done, he exited the store with a long, narrow brown paper packet that fit neatly into the interior pocket of his robes.


Back in his rooms that night, he unwrapped the lingerie and stared at it. In its still-shrunken form, it looked like lewd clothing for an overgrown girl's doll.

He spent an inordinate amount of time trying to decide how to get her into it and back to him. He couldn't very well leave it outside the Gryffindor common room, and flying on his broom to her dorm room wouldn't do in the least.

It wasn't until he was lying in his bed and lazily stroking himself that the idea came to him in a flash. If - IF - he could use the dress form spell, he could get it on her. And then he couldn't concentrate, because he was imagining her in the silky confines of the outfit. After cleaning himself up with a few swishes of his robes, he snuggled down into the softness of his bed and took up with the dress form spell again.

The dress form spell was essentially a sophisticated banishing charm. That would take care of getting it on her. Perhaps if he shrunk the lingerie even more, it would zoom up her robes or through her sleeves to her body. Once the spell was cast, it used whatever body it was aimed at. So he had to get her either alone or have a direct line to her.

He could do that. She was usually the last one to the Prefect meetings, because her class just prior to that was in the Astronomy tower. If he could lose himself in the students streaming by, he could get a good line to her before she entered the door to the meeting room

While trying to think up a locking charm Granger couldn't get her out of, he remembered a charm that locked the Malfoys' private living space in the Manor. It was a simple charm, honestly, but modified slightly to recognize only Malfoys when the words were said in a certain order.

Content that his mum or father wouldn't be caught dead trying to undress Ginny Weasley, he fell asleep with a smile on his face. The next Prefect meeting was only four days away, and what an interesting Wednesday it would be.
