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The Potter Vs. Granger Rivalry by lillyfan16

The Potter Vs. Granger Rivalry


Hey, this is the next chapter of course. I hope you like it! I just spent forever editing it, so hopefully there won't be too many mistakes! If there are, I am sorry. Read and REVIEW!

Also, I must apologize for the lame jokes told in this chapter, I needed something to lighten the mood! Sorry if they suck!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. There are two lines in here that aren't mine of course. I got to give credit where credit is due.

"Be absolutely clear about who you are and what you stand for. Refuse to compromise." Brian Tracy

""/quotation/thou_call-st_me_dog_before_thou_hadst_a_cause-but/165994.html"" Shakespeare

Also, the line, Do you dare disturb the universe, is from a book, The Chocolate War, by Robert Comier. Good book, I recommend it to everyone. If you like stories where someone stands up against the crowd, you'll like that one.

Right, moving on.


'And like I said, she isn't something you guys would stop and gawk at, but she's someone that I do notice. I dunno, it's just the way she holds herself confidently and-"

He tried to place where he had seen her, but came up blank.

"Oh my God! What are you doing here. Clarence? Oh my God! What….?"

"Hey everybody, for those of you that know us, we're Flipside. And for those of you that don't…well, we're still Flipside."

"Things have been…difficult, Clarence. No you seems to like me very well, which isn't really a shock. I mean, I knew what I was getting into…"

"And, how are things with…him?"

Hermione gave another sigh and closed her eyes, as if it might make this nightmare just disappear.

"But I can't, Clarence. I'm too far into the game, if I turn back now, I'll be a coward. Then they will win! I can't let that happen! I can't!"

He couldn't place the feeling that was inside him right now, but he felt such regret for all his cold words he had said to her. Swallowing hard, he tried to concentrate back on the show, but he couldn't forget the look on Hermione's face when she met his gaze.

He raised one fist in the air towards the crowd, and just before he cleared off the stage, he caught her looking his way, standing and applauding with the rest of the crowd, an unreadable expression on her face.

Chapter 8: Do You Dare Disturb The Universe?

Harry has felt many things before, but nothing like this. He wasn't too familiar with confusion; he didn't like to be in the dark when it concerned what was going on around him. But this was more than that. Not only was he extremely confused, but he was also guilty. Better yet, he felt even more confused on how he could feel guilt for two complete opposite reasons. First off, he felt as if he was at fault for going against everything he had been taught by having some sort of attachment to his sworn enemy. All his life, his parents had taught him to not trust or associate with a Granger. They were Potter rivals and not to me messed with. But, at the same time, Harry felt ashamed of his actions towards this "enemy." He had belittled her, and had been nothing but scornful towards Granger. But that's how he was suppose to be, right? He wasn't suppose to be friendly and welcoming. But why did he feel so rotten now? Why did he have this sudden change of heart?

'You haven't had a change of heart,' the voice inside of his head told him, 'You know you never liked putting people down, and you hated this ever since the beginning. You just did it because it was expected of you…' And if he was honest with himself, he knew that little voice was right, Harry hated bullying and anything of the sort. When he was in Primary School, he wasn't one of the big kids, and he had been picked on almost daily. Maybe that's why he felt so disgusted with himself now. He knew what it was like to be the object of everyone's teasing, whether it be about your constant messy hair, or some funny shaped mark on your forehead. Yes, Harry knew how cruel peers could be.


Can you feel it crush you does it seem to bring the worst in you out
There's no running away from these things that hold you down
Do they complicate you because they make you feel like this
Of all the colors that you've shine this is surely not your best
But you should know these colors that you're shining are



Harry had been taunted by young children, which was bad, but it could've been worse. As they get older, the snide remarks get more vicious and cruel. People observe what hits home the most and they thrive off that. So his days in school may have been bad, but he knew Granger was facing things so much worse.

At least Harry had Ron when he was younger. The Potter family and Weasley clan had been old friends, so naturally their children had grown up together. Harry had been best friends with Ron ever since they were in diapers, he supposed. Mrs. Weasley didn't make Ron or any of his brothers and sisters go to a Muggle school; she preferred to teach them herself. Harry's mother wasn't quite on the same wavelength though. Being a Muggle-born witch herself, she insisted Harry go to school. It was times like when he was getting bullied that Harry wished Ron had been at school with him, but he had to make due without him.

Which only leaves Draco. Draco was from a pureblood family that wasn't very social to others they thought were "inferior" to their rich life. The Weasleys were purebloods as well, less fortunate but they were kind and generous to everyone. The Malfoys were the complete opposite. When Draco got on the train the first of September for their First Year, he had been a spoiled, obnoxious brat. Despite being an intolerable little punk, he had never known real friends, and when Harry and Ron offered him friendship, he jumped at the chance, against his father's will. After that faithful day, the three had been inseparable during school and summer. Draco's father disapproved of his friendship with such "weaklings," but once Draco got the taste of true friends, he didn't look back on the fake and power-hungry life he was taught to lead.

At least he was blessed with friends. Granger didn't have that fortune, and Harry almost felt sorry for her. But he wasn't suppose to! Harry leaned his back against the cool linoleum of the shower wall, with one hand at his temple, and the other on his slick hip. 'This is so confusing!' he thought with an agitated sigh. Why should he feel bad for her when it was more or less forbidden to even be friends with her. But you could feel sorry for someone that wasn't a friend right? Without feeling any guilt for betraying his family, because really, he wasn't. It's not like they were best buds or anything. The warm water rained down on Harry from the shower head, but it did nothing to ease his stress. This was suppose to be a carefree year, but it was quickly turning into something much of the opposite.

He just needed to sort all this out, but the problem was, he wasn't sure what he was feeling in the first place. It was hard to explain how he felt towards her. It's like whenever she was around or talking in class, she had his attention, but he didn't know why he was so captivated with dammit. And it wasn't in a good way either. It was in a this-is-so-annoying-that-I-can't-stop-staring-at-you way. And they knew. Ron and Draco had caught him looking her direction on more than one occasion.

Harry stepped out of the shower and wrapped the fluffy maroon colored towel around his waist while shaking his wet shaggy head, causing water droplets to fly in every direction. Rubbing a clean spot from the steam-covered mirror, he set to brushing his teeth. Once he was done, he slipped in his black and blue boxers and stepped back into his dormitory, where he found Ron sitting in his bright orange boxers with Harry's guitar singing a mournful Muggle commercial he had learned over the summer. "…and even though his hamster died, he finds comfortness I swear….cause you can't over love you're underwear…" Harry rolled his eyes and threw a pillow from Jeremy's bed at him.

Ron quickly scrambled up and chucked the pillow back at his mate and yelling, "Oy! What'd you do that for?!?!"

Harry raised an eyebrow then said, "Mate, what do expect? I come out of the shower to find you playing my guitar in your underwear. Sorry buddy, but I don't think Strings appreciates your nudity while you are handling him," Harry said sarcastically, referring to his instrument companion.

Ron started towards the bathroom while giving a snort and said, "You're just jealous it wasn't you I was handling," and with that, he shoved the guitar in Harry's exposed chest, making him stagger back slightly.

Harry just rolled his eyes and gave his mate the middle finger, and Ron replied, "Back at you." Harry fired back, "Sorry, Bitch Boy, I don't take sloppy seconds."

Ron's remark was muffled by the door slamming shut. Harry shook his head and started towards his bed. He put his guitar back in its case before quickly getting dressed in a pair of school slacks and a white button-up shirt. He didn't bother with his robes; it was a Sunday. Reaching in his bedside table, he pulled out one of his many sketchbooks and his drawing pencil; he wanted to have something to do until Quidditch practice, then he made his way down the stairwell. They had the first game of the season coming up in just a few weeks, Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw, so the Gryffindor House team had to prepare themselves.

Gryffindor had the reputation of having the best house team ever since Harry's First Year. They had won the Quidditch House Cup every year, and Harry was going to leave this school still holding that title. He had never lost a game in all six years so far, and he wasn't planning on missing the snitch any time soon. He was the Seeker, Ron Keeper, and Draco was one of the Chasers.

The two beaters were Jeremy's little brother, Nick Carmichael, who was in his Fourth Year, and a fellow classmate of his, Jenna Stevens. A Sixth Year, Marshall Kofacts, and a Third Year, Tammy Elliot, made up the other two Chasers on the team.

Harry was really excited about the upcoming game; he always was, but there was something about the first game of the season that gave a Quidditch player a sport's high that made you feel like you were on top of the world. The Ravenclaw House team wasn't too bad. They had a decent Seeker, Cho Chang. Harry couldn't stand her. She "ruled the school" and was sought after by much of the male population. But of course, with the looks and popularity, came her bitchy attitude and dry personality. She had tried to make a few moves on Harry, but she saw that nothing was happening and gave up. Instead, she tried to crack a few remarks that made Harry mad, but she always used the same boring lines, they lost their effect soon after they started. Harry was looking forward to beating her in the first Quidditch game of the season. If anyone deserved to be taken down a peg or two, Cho Chang was the perfect candidate.

Harry was lost in thought when he suddenly realized he was standing in front of the Great Hall. He didn't remember making the long walk there from the Tower; he suspected he had taken this route so many times, that his feet could carry him here automatically, even when their owner was preoccupied with Quidditch. With a shrug, Harry continued into the Great Hall.


Hermione looked up from her essay for Charms. She was getting tired, but she really wanted to finish up this last scroll. She was on her fourth one, and her hand was starting to cramp. She laid her quill down to flex her fingers. Currently she was sitting in a corner of the near-empty Gryffindor Common Room. It was about midday and everyone was out with their friends on this Sunday. But she was here trying to figure out what else to write for an essay that was due in two weeks. She had read something about this Charm in a book while leafing through it at the library, but she wasn't quite sure if it originated in Rome or Romania. A dull ache pulsed through her troubled mind as she racked her brain to try and picture the section she had been looking at. She sat there for another futile ten or so minutes before finally deciding to make a quick run to the library and check. She was almost positive it was Rome, but still, she wanted to make sure. So after neatly packing up her things, she started towards the library to finish up her essay.

Twenty minutes later, Hermione emerged from the library with a finished essay. After a quick check in that book, she was able to finish off the scroll and another one as well. She felt quite pleased with herself at the moment. She decided that she might grab something sweet from the her room and then maybe take a walk around the lake before tackling her Potion's review questions for their big test the next day. Hermione as slightly nervous because it would make up so much of their grade, but she still felt confident that with a little bit of studying and a good night's sleep, she would do fine.

Hermione was roused from her thoughts by a loud, shrill voice, belonging to Cho Chang, a Ravenclaw Seventh Year. There was a large group of girls in the corridor, all giggling and looking up at the black-haired girl, who had her attention focused on another girl. The other girl was jumping up and down excitedly.

"What is it?!?! What did you hear?!?!" Hermione could tell Cho was excited, but was trying to hide it.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God, Cho, you will never believe what I just heard!!! Nancy said she heard Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones saying that they heard from one of the other Hufflepuffs that Pansy Parkinson and John Avery just broke up, like, half an hour ago! And I talked to a friend of one of his friends, and from what they told me, he has his eye on you now!!! Isn't that great!?!?"

Cho tried to look calm as all of this new information was explained to her. She nodded with a wide smile on her face and flipped her hair with a giggle. "Of course he wants me, I mean, what's not to love?" She asked, rolling her eyes for extra drama and doing some shake with her body that Hermione betted that she probably practiced that jig in front of the mirror religiously. The other mindless girls looked up to their leader as if she was some Greek Goddess. And in most of the school's opinion, she was.

Another one of the girls with red hair spoke up, "You are so lucky Cho! I bet he asks you to the Fall Bash! And after that, who knows?! I bet he is sooo great in bed!"

Hermione looked at the scene unfold, thinking about how pathetic they all looked. 'What's the Fall Bash?' she wondered vaguely, not really caring. And honestly, how could girls get so worked up? By the sound of it, these 'news' were pretty far down the grapevine, so who really knew how valid anything that girl just said was? Hermione was so lost in thought, she didn't realize the Ravenclaws had stopped gossiping and were now looking her way.

"Ah, look what Mrs. Norris must have dragged in," Cho's voice was taunting and cold. Hermione's refocused her eyes one the group, slightly surprised to see them only feet in front of her now. Hermione just rolled her eyes at their weak insult.

"Honestly, Chang, if that's the best you can come up with, you really need to go back to drawing board. Or better yet, don't waste your time because you still would only come up with petty insults." Hermione tried to sound bored. She really didn't want to get into this right now.

The Ravenclaw just smirked, "Oh really? Is that what you do in your free time? Sit and try to come up with clever remarks to every possible insult? Sorry, Granger, but I have a life." She did the little talk-to-the-hand gesture for added effect, then flipped her hair disinterestedly.

Hermione gave a snicker, which cut short Cho's drama gestures. "Actually, Chang, I dunno if what you have is considered as a "life." In order to have a life, you must live, and in order to live, you must be real, and sorry honey, but you are about as fake as they come. So in reality, the only things you have are cheap cosmetics and a really poor personality." Hermione watched as the girl tried to take all this in. She had a confused look on her face. Hermione just gave a fake smile, "Don't try to match wits with anything smarter than a piece of cheese, Chang, 'cause trust me, you'll lose immensely," and with that said, Hermione almost skipped away to her dormitory.

After neatly writing out the answers to the review questions, Hermione got out a notebook and pencil. She popped another mysterious bean in her mouth, then settled down on her violet comforter and opened her poetry notebook to the next clean page. Hermione wanted to write something about this year's events so far, even if it hurt some to do so. Se wanted to do this while they were still vivid in her mind. Lying back against her plush pillows, Hermione let memories of this year flood her mind as she closed her eyes. Different moments flashed through her brain:

She could remember the awkwardness and how nervous she had been…

She stuck out among the smaller children, but she tried not to notice. They were all looking up at her, not knowing what to think. But when the boats came forth at their own accord, they changed their interest to the boats.

The lake was dark. Hermione couldn't make out much with just the lanterns. Suddenly, she heard "ooohhhh's" and "Aaahhhhh's" coming from the younger First Years. Looking up to see what was so interesting, and she sucked in a deep breath. It was Hogwarts. The castle was dark and you couldn't make out the grounds. Lights were in the windows, making the castle look so welcoming. Hermione watched, transfixed, as they neared the castle.

She could still feel everyone's eyes on her as she let it be known that she was Hermione Granger…

Professor McGonagall looked back down at the parchment she was using to read the names off. In a clear, ringing voice, she announced Hermione's name, "Hermione Granger!"

The Great Hall was already quiet, but at the sound of Professor McGonagall's voice, everyone went completely silent. The Ravenclaw table's greeting to Franklin were punctured at once. Everyone's eyes were on the small group of new students, trying to figure out which one it was. A murmuring took over the silence as the seconds pressed on. With a deep, nervous breath, Hermione stepped forward.

She tried to keep her head held high and show a nice, brisk walk. But she was nervous. She could feel sweat slowly slide down her forehead and down the side of her face. Her eyes seemed unfocused and the short walk seemed to never end. The Hall had grown completely silent when she stepped forward from the throng of new pupils.

She tried to swallow, but her throat was tight. It hurt. She didn't look around to anyone, never taking her eyes from the stool. Her destination. She felt as if her feet were too big and she might stumble any second. But she didn't. With another deep breath, she turned around and sat, facing her peers. The witch lowered the Sorting Hat onto her head, and before she knew it, the Great Hall disappeared and all Hermione saw was the black rim of inside the old hat.

"Ah…a Granger."

The hurt and complete division she had with her fellow students…

Hermione let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. She felt the Sorting Hat being lifted off her head. She wasn't met with applause. No, it was still dead silence. All eyes were on her. Hermione could feel her face flush with embarrassment. They didn't want her. Her own house wasn't going to welcome her. She tried to keep her head still held high as she made her way over to her house table. Stares. Everyone was staring. There was a soft applause, and Hermione saw it coming from the headmaster. The walk to the table was much like the one to the Sorting Hat. Awkward and silent.

She had been so lonely over those first few weeks, and it had hurt so much, she felt as if she was some other species that was ugly and would never be accepted…

A girl with dark hair reached over into her nightstand and took out a big, red marker. Making her way to the door, the girl opened it. Hermione watched as she made a big X through Hermione's name. "This isn't your dorm, it's upstairs. Your things are by the stairs, you can leave now." The girl stated nastily, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Muggles? Really, I guess that just makes you a dirty, little Mudblood, doesn't it? 'Cause that's what you are; nothing more than a filthy, Mudblood bitch that's trying to play a hero. Guess what you piece of filth, we don't like Mudbloods or Grangers, so you're just shit out of luck." His voice was low and menacing. His eyes were two, blue ice chips and he was giving her a nasty look, almost daring her to say something back to him.

He had a bite of impatience in his voice this time, "No we're not kidding. Now move…Granger." He said her last name with emphasis, with a hint of accusation. His eyes still burning into hers.

After talking with several concerned parents, I have found out the majority are against Hermione Granger attending Hogwarts. Many think of her being nothing short of a nuisance and are concerned about her presence may distract their children from learning.

"Who do you think you are bitch? Do you think you can just butt in other people's business? Well, we're just going to have to show you what happens to nosy little motherfuckers like you!" and before Hermione could reach for her wand, she found her chest being shoved up against the wall, her head colliding with the cold stone. Avery yanked her head back by her long hair. Hermione felt his knee in her back, applying an enormous amount of pressure, and she cried out in pain. Another yank of her hair, making her head snap backward. She bit her lip in pain, and tasted blood. She gave a jerk, trying to free herself, but was thrown to the cold, stone ground.

Hermione rolled over, but then felt someone kick her in the stomach. She gritted her teeth and rolled over again, and tried to push herself up on her knees, still doubling over in pain. Her head ached and she felt something warm trickle down from her left temple. Her abdomen was throbbing, and she pulled her arms around stomach protectively, before being pulled to her feet again. This time they shoved her against another wall, and a sharp pain seared through the back of her head when it was rammed against the stone.

As she made her way down the stone path, Hermione tried to fight off the twinge of jealously she felt when seeing other students laughing and talking carelessly with their best friends.

Hermione bit her lip as her eyes fluttered open. Her throat was too tight to speak, so instead, she let her hand to all the talking:

I look, and someone is waving my way,

Too bad it's to the person behind me.

I search the lunchroom for a place to sit,

Looks like the corner alone for me…again.

I try to ignore the emptiness I feel ,

While sitting against the wall at recess, watching everyone else

I'm all alone at school; I'm the social outcast.

I face it everyday; I can handle it.

She felt tears start to roll down her cheeks as her thoughts moved to home. More memories began to reel through her mind, this time they took place at home:

They always stood by their decisions, no matter how unjust they were…

"Hey, I was wondering if we could talk." Hermione asked, standing in the middle of the room awkwardly.

"Of course dear, what is it?" Her mother asked, looking slightly worried. "Is something wrong?"

"No! Of course not. I just, well I got my Hogwarts letter today and well," Hermione glanced at her parents, noticing the glance they shared, but nevertheless, she pressed on," Yeah well, I was wondering what you guys thought about me maybe attending Hogwarts this year, you know, it would be my last year, and I've worked really hard the last couple years. I want to be able to graduate from a real Wizarding School." She looked up again, there was that glance again.

Her father sighed, "Hermione, you know that's not a good idea. That would just lead to trouble. Let Madam Suddusk continue to teach you, you don't need to go to Hogwarts." His voice was flat, and Hermione scowled.

"I think your father's right, honey, it's for the best," Her mother said, tonelessly.

"It's not fair. I think I should be able to go! I don't care what in the hell my last name is, I am not going to be held back because of it! I didn't do anything wrong! If they can't like me for me, then that's their problem. I know the opposition I will face, but I know I can handle it. Clarence thinks it's a good idea. It will show everyone Grangers aren't quitters, and that there are still some of out there!" Her parents wouldn't understand. There was no way they would ever know the thrill of waving a wand and turning a cat into a candle, or making a book across the room fly straight to you. They were Muggles, so were their parents, and their parents, there hasn't been a magical person in the family for years. She wasn't going down without a fight.

"Watch your language young lady and, I said no and I'm not going to argue with you!" Hermione could hear the finality in her father's voice, yet still she wasn't done.

"I don't see why I can't go! It's my life. If I want to go, I know what I'll face, but I know I'm strong enough to handle it! I almost seventeen years old, I think I can make my own decisions!" But nothing was going to work, she couldn't persuade her parents; they were a rock. And as she ran into her room that night, she promised herself she would be going to Hogwarts this year, there wasn't a doubt about it.

"Call it what you want, Hermione, but it's all rubbish to me, just a little fantasy you are living in. Instead of learning all that magic nonsense, you should be doing something worthwhile. This paranormal universe you keep in your life is just getting in the way of more relevant happenings. You should preparing for your next year in high school and whatnot."

This had been brewing for a while now, Hermione knew. Anytime she mentioned magic or said she would be going to Madam Suddusk's, she didn't miss the glances that tinged with bitterness or the sighs that unveiled their concealed disappointment. She had just hoped it wouldn't come to a head any time soon.

Even though she wasn't a dreamer, she slipped into fantasy every once and while, and this was one of the few occasions when she had believed her idealist accounts might come true and she would be able to avoid confrontation with her parents with her leave for Hogwarts so close. But it was just too much of an optimistic farewell vision, and she should've seen something of this sort coming. Why was she so unprepared now? When had she let idealism overcome her realist intentions? All she could think to do was face it head-on. Despite the shame her name brought to the Wizarding World, Hermione had developed a slight protective attitude over magic. If her parents insulted magic, they insulted her. They make a mockery display of her.

"Hermione, where are you go-" But she was cut off but the door shutting behind Hermione. She tried to ignore the stinging in her eyes as she retraced her route from earlier into this Hellhole. By the time she made it to the lobby, tears were slowly making their way down her cheeks. She met a light drizzle once she got outside. Hermione spotted a coffee shop with a small bookstore connected to it just across the street. Hurrying across the busy traffic, she made it inside by the time the rain started to pick up a bit.

She was nodding her head as if she was watching a filmstrip for the tenth time and knew exactly what slide was next. Different thoughts and phrases clouded her mind as she tried to come up with a suitable start. After re-reading her first stanza, the words began to flow again:

I sigh as I watch them turn away with a deaf ear again,

It's a shame my parents don't listen enough to get to know me.

I listen with tears rolling down my cheeks,

While my parents tell me I'm not good enough.

I cry when I'm in my room, all alone,

Realizing this is how it will always be.

I'm all alone at home; I'm the family outcast.

I face it everyday; I can handle it.

Her thoughts began to roam for a new starting line for the next verse. There was home and school, but what else? What other things about the past could she write about? Or maybe instead, she could write about what was yet to come? Or what she wants? Glancing over the first two stanzas a few times, an idea came to her. Or better yet, what can't she handle…?

I set my goals high and have every intention of achieving them,

No one believe in me, but I won't give up.

I try harder, giving 150% on everything,

They don't think I can do it, but I won't give up.

I put high expectations on myself, only to impress no one,

It doesn't matter; I don't care because I won't give up.

I'm all alone in my future, I am the outcast.

I will face it everyday; I will handle it.

Hermione pondered for a second, wanting to word the ending just right. With a defiant look on her face, she skipped a line then wrote the last two lines of her poem:

Failure? It's not an option…I can't handle it.

I am the outcast…Do I Belong?

On the top line of the paper, she wrote neatly the title:

Do I Belong?


By Hermione Granger


"We are going to kick some Ravenclaw ass!" Ron said, his loud voice ringing through the Quidditch changing room. There was a murmur of agreement as everyone began to file outside and back to their Sunday activities. Practice had just ended, and Harry thought they were doing exceptionally well and the Ravanclaw team had no chance in Hell on the field against them the first week of November, which was the date of the game. They still had a few weeks, so hopefully by then their performance with be up to perfection. Until then though, they all had loads of homework that needed to be done. This was their last year, meaning they had to take their N.E.W.T.S. at the end of the year. The professors had them working so profusely right now, it had felt great to get in a little escape, such as the Hogsmeade trip from yesterday and getting on a broom today for a little while.

Two and a half hours later, Harry could be found in the library with an open Astronomy book on the table and little doodles of various things drawn all over his homework. He hated Astronomy; it reminded him too much of his old wretched Divination class with Trelawney. His old professor had the habit of predicting freak accidents that were bound to happen to Harry in his short life. So far, the only thing she could tell accurately was the day of the week, and she even got that wrong half the time. Harry figured all the hideous smelling fumes in her room had messed with her brain so it wouldn't function normally. She says she's a Seer, but Harry just thought Trelawney had a bad case insecurity and sense of belonging, so she just tried to be something she wasn't.

Back to the questions he was suppose to be answering. He still was making the progress of a snail and his eyes wouldn't focus on the print in the stupid book. Finally after a sigh, he just jotted down a few words for each of the remaining questions and put the book away. That was the last of his homework that was due tomorrow. He had a few other things that really needed done, but he would do those after dinner. Right now, he was starving.


It was the announcement Harry hated every year since his Fifth Year. The Fall Bash. It was held at the Three Broomsticks every year right in the middle of October. The Fall Bash was a dance/party that Harry refused to go to. He hated dances; to him, they made no sense at all. Why stand there next to the wall or sit at a table while all sorts of people were doing the stupidest movements with their bodies that made them look like complete lunatics? The fact that he couldn't dance played a role in his dance loathing as well. He didn't even want to know how to dance; it just seemed so pointless. But he would be going this year as the band that would be playing. Rosmerta had been so pleased with yesterday's performance, she asked them if they would be interested in playing this year at the Fall Bash, so they agreed. So Harry guessed he had something to look forward to at the dance.


Hermione had found out what the Fall Bash was that Cho and her friends were all gushing about. Professor Dumbledore had made the announcement that it was a dance that would be held in Hogsmeade at the Three Broomsticks. Hermione had never been one for dances; she never went to any at her old high school, and she didn't plan to start now. Instead, she was going to take advantage of this trip to Hogsmeade and explore the village even further. She had thought about writing to Clarence to see if she was free, but then decided against it. Hermione didn't want to impose. She couldn't depend on Clarence every time now could she?


The next two weeks flew by rather quickly, and Hermione had grown to have a whole new appreciation for her dormitory. Everywhere you went, there were people talking about the dance coming up, whether it be giggling girls fretting about who was going with who or what they were going to wear; or it would be guys talking about how they wanted to take the prettiest girl they could, but they didn't know who. It was in the Common Room, the library, the Great Hall, lavatories, and even in the middle of class. When she was making her way to her dorm, Hermione would see all these girls venturing from one dorm to the next, giggling and chatting about what they were going to wear. Her only sanctuary was her dormitory.

Hermione had all her homework done for the weekend. The students Fifth Year and above would be leaving for Hogsmeade soon, so Hermione tried to find something to wear. There was a slight crisp in the air, reminding them that the summer sunshine was in hibernation for the upcoming winter. But that was okay with Hermione because autumn was her favorite season anyway. She loved to rake up all the leaves and jump into them over and over just like a little kid. Also, Hermione would just sit there at the window and marvel about how extraordinary beautiful the world really was. In everyone's fast paced lives, people don't appreciate how simply beautiful the world is around them.

Finally, she decided on a pair of loose-fitting brown corduroy jeans and a long-sleeved orange shirt with a pocket in the front of the stomach for her hands. She also grabbed a light flannel jacket and tied it around her waist in case it gets chilly later on. With one last look around the room to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything, Hermione made her way to the Entrance Hall.

Downstairs, Hermione looked really out of place among all the nicely dressed students. Girls were wearing dresses and the guys were all wearing something similar to a pair of slacks and button up shirt, and some were even wearing a set of robes as well. She got a few dirty looks as she waited for the doors to open.

Hermione imagine what she must have looked like, standing here in front of them in her braided pigtails and corduroy jeans. She must have looked twelve or something. But that didn't matter. She was fine with it, so she just ignored them.

"Hey, Granger, where's your date? Is he in a barn stall waiting for you to come pick him up? And what are you wearing?!?! You look absolutely hideous!" The girl's snide comment brought many laughs from the students in the vicinity. The doors opened for them to leave.

Hermione just smiled a tight lipped smile before retorting, "No, but it looks as if your date belongs in a barn," and with that said, she left a fuming girl and her date behind as she made her way to the Entrance Doors. The air was cool, and Hermione was glad that she brought her jacket, it would be getting cooler as the night went on.


There dance was in full swing. It was being held in a back room at the Three Broomsticks and everything looked great. There were tables and booths lining the walls with a large dance floor in the center. A small stage for the band. Pumpkins and scarecrows were everywhere, and large leaves that changed different fall colors hung from the ceiling.

Right now, Harry was getting something to drink during the thirty minute break.; the other band members wanted a few dances. He grabbed a paper cup and filled it with pumpkin juice from the punch bowl. Then he grabbed a few cookies that were shaped like pumpkins before leaning against the table. He didn't notice a girl approach him.

"Hey Harry, this is a great dance, don't you think so?" Her voice startled him. Harry looked to see a girl standing in front of him.

He just shrugged disinterestedly and took another bite of his cookie.

The girl's cheeks tinged pink and she went on, "You guys did really great up there. The band I mean."

Harry nodded and said, "Oh yeah? Thanks, I'm glad you liked us," he turned around to refill his cup with pumpkin juice.

There was a silence before she said, "I love this song. Do you like it?" She was referring to the song playing on the magical radio that they had turned on while they were taking a break.

"It's okay," Harry replied, finishing off his last cookie and glancing down at his watch. He really wanted to get away.

Blushing more than ever, the girl finally ask what she came over here in the first place. "So, um, do you want to dance? I mean, you know, you're probably getting tired of singing up there. Surely you want to have a little fun?"

Harry shook his head before saying, "No, I don't like dancing. And I'm having plenty fun up there singing, and if you'll excuse me, I want to get a little fresh air, It's really stuffy in here," and with that, he quickly left the disappointed girl.

Harry made a beeline for the exit doors. Once he was outside, he breathed in the clean, cool air. He looked around the dark village. He sat down on one of the benches in front of the pub and leaned back. He let his eyes roam the village while he hummed an unfamiliar tune, his mind thinking nothing in particular. His eyes caught sight of a lone silhouette.


Hermione got up from the café table and tossed the rest of her ice cream in the trash before going back down the stone road again. What was she thinking? Getting ice cream on a chilly night like this one. She gave a small shudder and put on her blue flannel jacket. The Three Broomsticks was coming into view, but she didn't want to go in there, even though a nice butterbeer sounded like heaven right now. Instead, she would take a detour up to the Shrieking Shack just up the hill there.


Once the light hit her, he recognized the silhouette belonging to Hermione Granger. He suddenly sat up. He remembered the thoughts he had in the shower just a few weeks before. She hadn't really preoccupied his mind lately, with all the schoolwork and the Quidditch game coming up. He stood up and looked back at the café, before turning his gaze to the girl making her way up the hill leading to the Shrieking Shack. He wanted to say something to her, not knowing what. He was still confused as ever. He knew she didn't deserve his hate, but he couldn't become friends with her. And he wanted her to know that. But he couldn't tell her, which just made no sense at all. He licked his lips unconsciously as he tried to figure out what to do.

Suddenly, he sensed someone watching him. His eyes squinted through the dark, trying to figure out who it was. Hermione's back was turned to him, so he knew it wasn't her. Finally, a tall figure stepped out of the shadows on the corner. Harry recognized it immediately as the headmaster Albus Dumbledore. His blue eyes weren't twinkling like they usually did. Instead, they were curious and calculating, as if trying to judge Harry's next move.

Harry felt as if the headmaster could see right through him. He always made him feel that way. Harry knew that Dumbledore could see Harry's dilemma. And he was waiting to see his choice. Harry watched as the headmaster glanced in Hermione's direction in a coaxing gesture. It was as if he way saying that it was alright to feel this way. But Harry was still unsure.

A whole minute passed by in silence. Harry was feeling very uncomfortable and slightly vulnerable. Finally, when the silence was so thick and he couldn't stand looking into the piercing blue eyes any longer, he said, "I can't," his voice was hoarse and weak, even Harry was surprised at the sound of it.

Dumbledore said quietly, "She's a good girl." His voice was soft, but Harry could hear the strength behind his words.

Harry just shook his head, "I know, but I can't." Harry said just as quietly and shifted his gaze towards the person they were talking about. He could just her out standing at the top of the hill.

Dumbledore nodded and said, "What do you have to lose?"

Harry wondered if this was a rhetorical question. What did he have to lose?

Harry cleared his throat and replied quietly, "Everything. My friends, my family…" he trailed off.

Dumbledore's gaze moved from the lone figure on top of the hill and said quietly, "The simplest of acts, such as reaching out to someone in need, can change the world. Maybe, the Lost Ones could rewrite history by changing the outcome of the furture?" his voice was inquiring, and it confused Harry.

What was he talking about? The Lost Ones? How is it possible to rewrite the past? Finally he voiced his concerns, "You can't rewrite what has already happened…it's not possible."

Dumbledore gave a small smile, "No you can't, but you can change what will become of it, can you not? The question is, Harry, do you dare disturb the universe?" And with those last words, he disappeared, leaving a very confused and dumbfounded Harry.

'What does he mean, do I dare to disturb the universe?' Harry glanced back to the hill where she was standing and gave a small sigh.


Hermione's gaze roamed over the broken house. The windows were shattered and it was falling apart, yet there was something enchanting about it. It was such a beautiful disaster. Even in the dark, Hermione could see how well structured it had looked at one time. Hermione could almost bet that it held so many secrets and had seen so many different things. Just thinking about the history of it made her spine tingle.

"Captivating, isn't it?" a soft voice spoke behind her. Hermione jumped and spun around, her eyes landing on the person that had startled her. There stood Albus Dumbledore, looking at her through his half-mooned spectacles, his piercing blue eyes twinkling in the moonlight.

Hermione swallowed, trying to calm down from the fright. Finally, she nodded as he came to stand next to her. "It's wonderful," her voice was soft.

He nodded his head, "I've always liked it. There's just something about it that is so…"

"Mysterious," she finished for him, making him grin at her.

"Yes, I guess you could say that, even if you know the story behind it."

"The story?" Hermione asked, trying not to sound too excited.

The old man nodded and continued, "Yes, the story of a werewolf and his three best friends. Even after finding out about his condition, they still stood by him."

Hermione waited for more, but nothing came. There was a comfortable silence as they waited for the other to speak.

"The Shrieking Shack is so broken down, no one even thinks to consider its beauty," Hermione said softly. "They see the outside, and make up their mind about it. They don't think about the inside, or try to dig just a little deeper to find out why it looks this way…"

"Should they? What if the inside is in the same state?" he inquired, watching her contemplate his response.

"Not it's physical inside. I mean it more figuratively." Hermione said, knowing that she already knew what she meant the first time.

"So something can be beautiful underneath all the ruins? Even if it's not physically?" He asked, and Hermione nodded her head.

"Everything has beauty if you look close enough to see it," Hermione said softly, looking into his blue eyes.

He smiled at her. "You are far more remarkable than I had ever thought, Hermione Granger," his voice was praising, something Hermione hadn't heard in a while. She gave a small smile.

"What made you decide to come to Hogwarts?" he asked curiously.

Hermione couldn't meet his gaze. Why was she here? How many times had she been asked that? But this time, it didn't bother her. He wasn't going to be scornful towards her; he was just genuinely curious. "You know, I've been asked that so many times and I still don't have a direct response to it. There are so many reasons why I wanted to be here. At the same time, there are so many reasons why I should have just stayed home. I guess the main reason is because I'm not a quitter."

"I'm fascinated with magic and this just seemed like the best thing to do. This is what I wanted to do, and I wasn't going to give up on something just because everyone was against me." Hermione responded, looking back at the Shrieking Shack

He nodded, then said, "Be absolutely sure about who you are and what you stand for. Refuse to compromise. Don't give up, Hermione." His gaze met hers.

It was Hermione's turn to nod. She was like the Shrieking Shack, broken and forgotten, yet beautiful and full of mystery. No one gave her a chance because of who she was, and no matter how much they would run her down, she would still stand.

As if he could read her thought, the old man said, "Go the distance, Hermione Granger."

And she would.


"Right, now, everyone just do what you've been doing at practice, and this should be a cinch. We are going to kick some Ravenclaw ass!" Harry's pep talk made all the other team member whoop a few times and they all got their brooms. The sky was clear and there was a hint of chill in the air. The sun was dull with the gray skies. Perfect Quidditch conditions. The sound of the roaring students gave the team members that pre-game high and everyone was pumped.

With one last wishing of good luck, they all made their way out onto the field. The Ravenclaw team was already out there. Madam Hooch blew her whistle for everyone to get in their positions and the team captains to shake hands. Harry gave a curt nod and then got back in his position. The Golden Snitch was released, but Harry knew it was pointless to try and follow it with his eyes now. The second the Quaffle was release and the whistle blew, the game was underway.

The commentary was done by Dean Thomas, but Harry wasn't listening. His one mission was to find the Snitch.

"…Ravenclaw in possession, passes to, no wait, intercepted by Kofacts, Gryffindor in possession, he's streaking down the field, and he shoots. Ten points to Gryffindor!" There were cheers from the other fellow Gryffindors. And the came continued.

Cho was tailing Harry, but her broom didn't have near the speed his Firebolt had. Harry, meanwhile, was squinting for a spec of gold.

"Ravenclaw scores, fifty twenty, to Gryffindor. No sign of the Snitch yet, but both Potter and Chang are on the lookout."

They had been in the game for twenty minutes and still no sign of that stupid ball. Harry looked behind him at Cho, who was still following him. With a grin, he suddenly dived straight down. Cho, thinking it was the Snitch, followed without a second thought.

Dives were Harry's specialty, so right before he hit the ground, he suddenly pulled up so his broom was parallel to the grass. Cho, not being so good at dives, didn't pull up on time and landed with a heap on the ground.

There was sudden laughter from the Gryffidors. Cho tried to quickly get up, completely humiliated, and get back on her broom.

"Potter was Feinting! Chang really should have seen that one coming. Just goes to show what house has the real brains and who are just a bunch of posers…" he was cut off by Mcgonagall.


"Sorry, Professor, back to the game. Carmichael hit's a Bludger, almost knocks Henderson off his broom. Nice hit, Nick. But Ravenclaw Beater Denison tries to return it, shame he hits like my baby sister."

"Thomas, will you please just get on with the unbiased commentary!"

"Yeah, yeah. It's not my fault he needs to hit the gym, but enough of that loser…I'm mean Beater. Gryffindor scores, making it sixty twenty, Gryffindor. Man, my house team rocks.. You Ravens are jealous aren't you? I thought so. I know, Professor, back to the game. Elliot has Quaffle, she's about to shoot, but of course, the Ravenclaw Keeper decides to wake up and smell the potion, and blocks it. Damn him. No, I mean, good job, Gryffidnor in possession again…"

Harry's eyes roamed the stands, looking for anything that was gold. He had already mistaken someone's glasses as the Snitch. Harry did a roll in the air to avoid colliding with Jenna Stevens, a Beater. Unconsciously he picked out Hermione from the stands; her face was filled with pure fascination. He had spent a lot of time thinking about what Dumbledore had said, but was still unsure and confused. He had thought about it so much that he got a major headache. He was so torn between whether or not-

'There's the Snitch!!!' his mind shouted, rousing him from his thoughts. Like a bullet, he shot straight for the Hufflepuff stands. It was a rather easy catch. There wasn't any obstacles in the way. He closed his fingers around the tiny, cold ball before Cho even knew what was going on.


Cheers filled the Quidditch Pitch as Harry and the rest of the team did a victory lap before getting engulfed by their fellow students once they hit the ground. Harry finally emerged from the group with a wide grin on his face. Draco clapped him hard on the back and Ron just flat out jumped him. Harry staggered slightly under Ron's weight, and tried to push him off while Ron tried to give him a noogie, messing his hair up even more than usual.

Go Gryffindor!


There was an after party in the Gryffindor Common Room celebrating Gryffindor's win. Hermione couldn't keep the smile off her face as she watched her fellow housemates act like complete animals. It was so funny, and Hermione was in a very good mood. The happy spirit was contagious. People were laughing a joking around. Hermione watched as Ron Weasley jumped on the couch and started dancing around to music that wasn't there. Everyone was laughing as he tried to do the Macarena.

"Hey, Hermione," a guys voice said behind her. She turned her head, slightly surprised that the greeting was towards her. There was a dark-haired boy standing there. Hermione recognized him as Neville Longbottom.

"Oh, er, Hi, Neville." She said, still very surprised. She had talked to him before, but just saying hello or something, and she gave him a little help on a Potion's essay once.

"So, did you like the game?" He asked, taking a swig of butterbeer.

Hermione grinned, "Oh yes, it was fascinating! I've never seen a game before, and this was really great. The game looks fun, but really scary at the same time. I'm terrified of brooms." Hermione said, smiling.

The boy laughed. "In my First Year, I was terrified of the broom, and it must have sensed it because the broom bucked so much when I got on it. I fell off and broke my wrist. I had to go to the Hospital Wing within the first fifteen minutes of class!" He started laughing.

Hermione looked horrified. "Oh my God! That is horrible!" Just thinking about it made Hermione cringe.

"Yeah, it was pretty bad, but now it's just something to laugh about." He said, offering Hermione a Chocolate Frog.

She took it from his outstretched hand and muttered a thanks.

"Ooohh, looks like Granger's got a boyfriend!" Parvati Patil's voice rang out, capturing a few people's attention.

Hermione just rolled her eyes, "Oh please, he is not my boyfriend." Girls could be so immature.

Lavender Brown stepped in, "She's right, Parvati, even Neville Longbottom is too good for her!" people snickered around her.

"Oh real witty." Hermione said. Neville was blushing. Hermione could feel quite a few people had their eyes on her.

"There isn't even a farm animal that you would good enough for." That brought more laughs.


"…Your mom is so fat, her nickname is DAMN!" Draco said, and the guys around them burst out laughing.

Ron calmed down enough to say, "Oh yeah? Well your mom is so fat, she masturbates to a cookbook!"

Harry gave a snort and said, "Come on, Ron, that sounds more like you!" Which earned even more laughs.

"Come on guys. Get some real jokes, and quit talking about each other's moms." Harry said, still snickering.

"Fine, Potter," Dean said, "You come up with one."

Harry nodded. "Alright, alright. There's this guy that works at a super market that was straightening some boxes, and he sees an older woman digging through the butter. So naturally, he tries to help out. He asks what she needs, and she says she was looking for the ninety-nine cent butter. The guy says that there wasn't any butter for ninety-nine cents. So she says okay, and he goes back to the boxes. He hears her digging through the butter again, so he asks if she can help her, and she says she was looking for the ninety-nine cent butter. Once again, he tells her they are not selling butter for ninety-nine cents right now. She says okay, and once again he goes back to the boxes. Not even thirty seconds later he hears her digging through the butter again. He's getting pissed by now, so this time he goes back over to her and before he can say anything, she says I'm looking for the ninety-nine cent butter. So he asks, 'Miss, can you spell?' The woman is slightly surprised at the question and says yes. So he says , alright, can you spell kool, as in kool-aid? So she says, yes, k-o-o-l. He nods his head and says, ok how about construct, as in construction? She nods and spells c-o-n-s-t-r-u-c-t. The guy nods again, and says ok, then can you spell fuck, as in butter? She gives him a weird look and says, there is no fuck in butter….and he says 'That's what I'm trying to tell you bitch, there is no fuck-in butter for ninety-nine cents!"

All the guys burst out laughing, Ron rolling on the floor.

"That was great, Harry!" But their laughter was short lived because a sudden shriek from someone caught their attention.

"There isn't even a barn animal that you would be good enough for." then there was more laughter. The boys swung around to see what the commotion was about.

Harry watched as Hermione turned red and said something that he didn't hear. He shifted in his seat to get a better look. What was going on?

"Come on, you're so ugly a guy would rather turn gay before looking at you!" A few more laughs could be heard. Harry looked at Hermione, who just shrugged. Lavender gave Hermione a shove. Hermione staggered back slightly, looking surprised. Hermione drew her wand quick as lightening, pointing it at the girl.


The second Lavender touched Hermione, she lost complete control. She wasn't going to get hazed again in the middle of the Common Room. No one was going to touch her again.


I can't find the rhyme in all my reason

I've lost sense of time and all seasons

I feel I've been beaten down

By the words of men who have no grounds

I can't sleep beneath the trees of wisdom

When your ax has cut the roots that feed them

Forked tongues in bitter mouths

Can drive a man to bleed from inside out

What if you did?

What if you lied.?

What if I avenge?

What if eye for an eye?

"What If" CREED


Harry watched closely as Hermione pointed her wand at the girl. Lavender took a step back, trying to play it off. The dark look in Hermione's eyes was frightening. Harry could tell she meant business. Lavender took another step back and started to giggle.

Hermione had had enough. She waved her wand and sent a hex in Lavender's direction. Suddenly, Lavender was knocked backwards and landed in a heap some ten feet away. Everyone gasped. Hermione then turned her wand on Parvati and did the same.

Harry raised his eyebrows. Everyone was looking at Hermione. Her gaze went from face to face, as if waiting for someone to challenge her. No one said anything. After taking a breath, she said, "Look, I'm getting really sick of all of you condemning me. I haven't done jack shit to any of you. I'm just trying to get an education here. So just step off ok?" Her voice broke and there were tears were stinging her eyes. "Just leave me alone! Otherwise, as Shakespeare said 'Thou_call-st_me_dog_before_thou_hadst_a_cause-but since i'm a dog, beware my fangs' and for you illiteracies out there, it means stay the fuck away from me!" and with that, she left the Common Room.

The Portrait Hole slammed shut.

Two First Years marched up to Lavender and Parvati and said, "You guys are really mean! Hermione is a nice person and she doesn't deserve what you guys do to her!" the girl stamp her foot for added effect. Harry couldn't help but grin at their statements. He also admired them for standing up for what they believed in. When they saw that something wrong was happening, they didn't think twice about doing the…right thing. Harry gave a sigh and then, without warning, he shot out of the Common Room. The halls were empty and he spun around on the spot, hoping to see a sign telling him which direction she went. He should have done this a long time ago.


Hermione was walking down the hall, not knowing where she was going. All she knew was that she had to get away. Get away from everything right now. She made a sharp turn and collided with someone.

"Watch where you're going bitch!" She heard Cho's voice say. Hermione had her wand whipped out in a flash again.

Cho gave her a sour look and said, "Oh please, do watch where you're pointing that thing. You couldn't hit a broad side of a barn."

Hermione laughed, "You keep thinking that, Cho, and maybe I'll use you for target practice! Then we'll see how bad my aim really is."

"Yeah, whatever." Hermione could tell that Cho was in a bad mood, but she didn't care. Hermione didn't lower her want, or step down. Cho reached into her robes and pulled out her own wand. "Don't tell me you want to duel, Granger, cause I'll take you down." Her tone was nasty and agitated. "I never could stand you, you little Mudblood bitch. You don't belong here." Then to add to her immature point, she stuck her tongue out at Hermione. Before Hermione could retort, someone did for her.


My stage is shared by many millions

Who lift their hands up high

Because they feel this

We are one

We are strong

The more you hold us down

The more we press on

What if your words

Could be judged like a crime?

"What If" CREED


Harry found her with Cho and he shook his head. This girl was looking for trouble wherever she went. He took a deep breath. This was it. This was the part where he showed his true colors. And he was ready to disturb the universe…


"You better put that tongue back in your mouth, Chang, before I show you something you haven't ever seen before…the other end of it." Hermione spun around and saw no one other than Harry Potter coming their way, wand in hand and an angry look on his face.

Both girls were surprised at his actions.

Cho was the first to recover, after flipping her hair, she retorted "Don't tell me you're sticking up for this piece of filth!"

Harry's grip on his wand tightened, "You better watch what you say, bitch. And besides, if I were you, I wouldn't want to be on the business end of Hermione's wand, I'm positive she could kick your ass." he smirked.

Cho just rolled her eyes, "Whatever, I've more important things to do than stand around here all day," and with that, she left down the corridor, leaving an awkward silence between two rivals.

Hermione was the first to speak, "I didn't need your help, I could've held my own."

Harry nodded, "I know.."

"I didn't ask for your help either."

"I know."

"I don't owe you anything."

"I know."

"I'm not saying thanks either."

"I don't expect you to."

"Why did you do that?"

"I have a question."

Hermione raised her eyebrows. "What?"

"Do you dare disturb the universe?


I know I can't hold the hate

Inside my mind

'Cause what consumes your thoughts

Controls your mind

So I'll just ask a question

What if?

"What If" CREED

And that's the way the cookie crumbles…so please review! I updated this so soon because there are loads of people on right now, and I want you guys to read and review!!!!

Stay righteous!
