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Stories by napalmnacey

  1. The Snitch by napalmnacey

    After a drunken night of revelry, Hermione stumbles into Harry's room and shows him a brand new tattoo she had no idea she had gotten. In the days that follow, Harry cannot get his mind off the glittering tattoo on her belly. Can someone fall in love just because of a tattoo?

  2. The Christmas Party by napalmnacey

    Christmas has hit Hogwarts in Harry’s final and seventh year, and it’s up to Ron to organize the Christmas Party to beat all Christmas Parties. Harry has no time to help however; he’s made Hermione swear off text books for a week and she’s made him swear off Quidditch. Ron’s life is marred by a schoolboy crush on Fleur Delacour, but he’s helped along by the companionship of Lavender and Parvati as they help him out with the party. Hilarity ensues. (I hope).

  3. Lucky by napalmnacey

    Harry loses faith and hope in all around him, and wonders if there is a reason for it all. Dumbledore consoles him and shows him the Pool of Possibilities, and Harry gets to see a world where Voldemort was never born.

  4. Butterbeer Ramblings by napalmnacey

    It’s Quidditch Saturday, and Harry, Ron and Hermione are receiving a visit from Fred, George, Angelina and Alicia, all graduated and bearing alcohol gifts. Much fun and baring of souls ensues.