Unofficial Portkey Archive

Unsung Hero by Meghanreviews

Unsung Hero


Dumbledore looked up over his spectacles at the two Ravenclaws standing before him. "Yes, please do come in and sit down." He sat back and raised an eyebrow. "I take it you want to talk with me now, Mr. Potter?"

"Professor," Harry started, looking at the Headmaster's nose. "There's an attack happening right now. You must alert the Order immediately!"

A polite look settled over the Headmaster's features. "I see. And how would you come to know about such an attack?"

"That isn't important. What is important is the couple that is being assassinated as we speak."

Dumbledore peered at Harry skeptically. "Nothing of this has reached me by my other means. How do I know you're not lying, Mr. Potter, when you are clearly avoiding eye contact?"

"I'm not lying," Harry stated firmly, jutting out his jaw, before remembering Hermione's words and stopping the childish gesture immediately. "Voldemort is attacking a couple tonight, to teach them that not even you can keep them safe from him."

Hermione gapped at him, her pale face unable to keep up with her cycling emotions. "Harry, how do you know this?" she asked before Dumbledore voiced his paralleling thoughts.

Harry shook his head. "It doesn't matter. This is important, you must send the Order to help them."

Dumbledore clasped his hands in front of him on the desk and leaned forward. "You do realize you can trust me with anything, Harry. Anything at all. It is not too late to come forward."

Crossed between fuming and rolling his eyes, Harry retorted, "I'm not a Death Eater. My brother is the bloody Boy-Who-Lived, why on earth would I join the man who tried to kill him?"

"Ah, Harry, my poor boy," Dumbledore stated sadly. "Therein lies the rub. What did Voldemort offer you? Did he offer you power? Glory? Fame? Enough of it to make you outshine your twin?"

"NO! I haven't joined the sodding bastard!"

"Harry's not a Death Eater!" Hermione exclaimed, blushing furiously.

"How can you be so sure, Miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked, his sharp blue eyes losing their twinkle as they fell on her.

"I--I--that is we--Harry and I--" she stammered, looking at Harry helplessly.

He took her hand. "Hermione's trying to tell you we've been gallivanting around Hogwarts trying to join Hogwarts' BC100 club."

Hermione turned beat red, but nodding affirmatively.

"The BC100 club? Is it new?" Dumbledore asked, appearing intrigued. "Which professor supports it?"

"BC100 means Broom Closets. One hundred of them."

"Hogwarts has a hundred broom cupboards?"

"According to Filch we have one-hundred-and-two," Hermione replied, fidgeting. "But nobody can locate the last two."

"What does this club have to do with Miss Granger's staunch declaration on your behalf?"

Harry wrapped an arm around Hermione's waist and said calmly, "Sir, it means she's seen me in various states of undress."

"The dark mark is branded on his supporters' arms," Hermione supplied, gratified for the support. "I read about it in the Prophet series on the trials."

"I see," Dumbledore said frowning in the Headgirl's direction. "Well I suppose her vouching for you will do for now, Mr. Potter, but I still must insist on how you found out about this attack. Can you tell me anything more than that it involves a couple? Can you tell me their names? Whether they are young or old? Where they live? I simply can not accept your information as truth and send my Order into uncertain and dangerous conditions on merely a child's whim."

Harry purpled, biting back his first response. "No. I can't tell you those things. What I can tell you is that Lucius Malfoy is planning the attack."

At this little revelation, the Headmaster sat upright. "Mr. Malfoy you say? Did Draco Malfoy say this to you?"


"Did you overhear the young Mr. Malfoy boasting in the halls to his friends then?"


Dumbledore let out an annoyed huff, which puff up his beard a little. "Is there anything else you can add?"

Harry gripped Hermione's waist suddenly remembering some of the details that had eluded him on his journey up to the Headmaster's office. "Yeah, there are four Death Eaters involved and they're attacking somewhere you personally warded."

"Interesting," the Headmaster said after a long period of contemplative silence. "Well thank you Mr. Potter, Miss Granger, it has been enlightening."

"Aren't you going to do anything?" Harry asked incredulously.

"You needn't concern yourselves," Dumbledore stated firmly, beckoning them to leave.

As the pair turned to leave, a buzzing noise rose up from behind the Headmaster. Fawkes woke up from his perch by the door and squawked urgently. Dumbledore snapped into action, standing up and hurriedly consulting with the busily whirling object that was insisting quite loudly that something was amiss.

Harry watched Dumbledore nod distractedly to the chirruping phoenix, and concluded that the Headmaster understood what the bird was saying. A connection like that had to be deeper than simply the mind to mind imagery he had expected; perhaps it was a familiar-master bond.

Dumbledore swept his beard over his shoulder and prodded his desk with his long and slender wand. A map of Britain shimmered into existence. Another tap showered the table in glittery dots of five different colors. One in particular turned black, emitting a faint hiss of smoke.

"Professor?" Hermione asked timidly, clutching Harry's waist in apprehension.


The map zoomed in quickly and four dots twinkled where one had been. Harry gulped as the region came into focus. He knew the area well, and now knew what the dots meant. The dots had to indicate the four families that lived in Ottery St. Catchpole: the Lovegoods, the Patils, the Weasleys, and the Potters.

The Lovegoods could be ruled out because Harry knew Mr. Lovegood was a widower and still single after six years. The Patils had twin daughters and two younger boys who were not yet out of preliminary schooling. Harry was fairly certain Lucius would have mentioned kids to torture. That left the Weasleys, whose children were all attending Hogwarts or had graduated leaving the older couple alone at home and vulnerable to Voldemort's attacks against the strong Light families.

Just like the Potters.

Harry held his breath, watching Dumbledore fiddle and poke with different things around the map. It became three dimensional and four black figurines popped into view right outside the Potter's property.

"Shit," Harry said with feeling as Dumbledore's blue eyes blazed right through him.

"You are to stay here, Harry and not to leave until I get back. Miss Granger, you will need to stay as well. Fawkes."

The scarlet bird flew off the perch and landed on Dumbledore's shoulder, his sharp talons gripping harshly through the subdued robes. In a flash of fire both the bird and Headmaster had left. Harry spun around to leave as well and saw that when he'd been paying attention to the interactions between Dumbledore and his familiar the doors and windows had been shut and locked.

"Alohomora," he said, flicking his hand at the door, the magic coiled around him flying away easily.

"It won't work," she said, slipping away from him and settling down on an overstuffed chair as the spell hit the solid doors and evaporated. So distracted was she, that Hermione didn't notice that he hadn't used a wand to perform the spell.

Harry frowned, went over to the door and shook it. "Why lock us in?"

Hermione shook her head, her dazed eyes clearing. "He doesn't trust us. How did you know of the attack before it happened Harry? Not even Dumbledore knew!"

Harry grumbled, giving the door a good kick before crossing over and sitting down on the other proffered visitor chair. "It doesn't matter how I got it!"

"Apparently it does. Dumbledore thought you were a Death Eater."

Harry looked at her, his body tensing awaiting the blow her words could deliver. "I'm not one though, you know that."

Hermione glared at him. "Of course I know that, we've nearly seen each other completely naked."

"I'm willing to see you completely naked," Harry said with a casual smirk.

She conjured a pillow and threw it at him. Harry caught it much to her displeasure. "You and your snitch catching skills."

"I have other skills I'd be delighted to show you," Harry replied, quickly using the pillow to block a flock of birds she sent at his head.

"Get stuffed," Hermione responded mildly much to the portraits entertainment.

A bright flash of light caught Harry's eye and he stumbled over to Dumbledore's desk and glanced down at the view of his house. In spite of the Headmaster's absence the map provided in ceaseless dedication a detailed visualization of the scene. Two black figures had snuck through the wards and were met with resistance just outside the front door. Harry saw the figure through the door and held his breath. It was his dad.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked appearing by his side, her bushy hair flipping forward and hiding most of the map. "Sorry," she said, hurriedly grabbing the offending strands and hurriedly putting the whole messy mop up in a ponytail.

"That's my dad."

"Be glad he's a wizard, at least he can fight back," Hermione said, worry creeping into her voice. "Though they seem to be using a lot of Unforgiveables. Where did the other two go though?"

Harry searched the real-time model and shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe they left."

"And give up the advantage? I don't think so---oh look people in red and gold robes are popping up behind a line of trees."

"That's the cavalry."

"The Order?"

"Yes--look there's Dumbledore!" Harry pointed to a new figure that showed up by flash fire.

"Their robes are too bright," Hermione observed. "Don't they know anything about camouflage? The British army learned the hard way when the Americans copied the Native Indians in color choices, choosing to blend into the trees and guerilla fighting instead of marching on wide open fields in easily locatable colors. The…"

"The colors have meaning."

"Besides being Gryffindor?"

"Yeah, they're the color of Fawkes' plumage. See," Harry said indicating a small flying model of the magical bird.

There was no sound to accompany the three dimensional map but the light show flaring up on the other side of the property caught their attention. Another small figure was fighting through the other two Death Eaters trying to reach the house. It was Sirius, Harry noted as the figure transformed and bit into the fleshy calf of one of the intruders.

He switched his attention back to his father, who was putting out a plethora of curses and hexes that lit the yard like a Muggle Technicolor show. It was a relief to see him still jumping around brandishing his stick like a sword, cutting down the opposition.

"Are you worried?" Hermione asked.

"Dumbledore is there and for all his faults, he won't let my parents die," Harry said with conviction. "Here he comes."

Dumbledore's figure waded through the field of lights, walking through them all without getting hit and entered the house through the back door. He didn't reappear.

Remus joined James' by his side a few moments later and together they drove the others back. The curse breakers tried to escape, but it was apparent that Apparition and Portkeys were ineffective against the newly established wards.

"Look at the bloody blighters, they're trying to flee! They should have learned better."

A spell hit Remus in the chest, who hadn't been able to raise his shield in time to block. He crumbled in silence, distracting James momentarily. A curse flew by his head and he turned back to fight.

"Heathcote's guitar!" Hermione shouted, naming the Weird Sister's guitar player, her gaze locked on a Death Eater in the front of the house.

Pale white-blond hair had slipped out from under one Death Eater's hood. The instantly recognizable trademark of the one Lucius Malfoy gave him away to the two watching him from Dumbledore's comfy office. Malfoy had stopped trading spells with James and was instead sneaking out of sight. Spell light did not reach his slinking form as he slipped up to the side of the house.

James was getting back into the rhythm of firing off a multitude of spells while dueling with the remaining Death Eater. A mottled fuchsia curse broke through James' shield, hitting him between the eyes. Harry watched in muted concern as his dad crumpled from his sentinel post and Malfoy made it past his father's and uncle's prone forms.

The Death Eater that had hit his father strolled up carefully to the doorway. He kicked James and Remus in the ribs and was apparently satisfied by the gesture. At the raising his wand, Hermione gasped. The bright green glow of the killing curse lit up the wand's tip.

"No!" Hermione cried out, covering her eyes.

Harry's mouth thinned into a grim line. He was going to watch his father die. The spell left the Death Eater's wand and sped towards the unconscious James. Unexpectedly, it exploded against a ceramic vase that was suddenly between his father and the Death Eater.

Sirius came storming out of the house, pursuing the now frantically retreating wizard. His godfather cast spell after spell, his motions a blur and his face contorted in pure, unmitigated fury. The Death Eater ducked, trying to return fire until one of Sirius' hexes hit the man, stunning the fleeing sycophant.

"It's okay, Hermione," Harry said gruffly. He stopped speaking, taking a moment to clear his throat. "You can lower your hands. Sirius saved Dad."

She lowered her hands taking a tentative glance at the board. "I don't see how you can be so calm! Your dad nearly died!"

"He's fine for now." Harry shrugged, he couldn't see anybody at the back of the house anymore. "I'm wondering about Mum though. She must be inside somewhere."

"Dumbledore's inside too. He'll find her," Hermione said comfortingly, but her voice shook with doubt, undermining the attempt.

He gave her a wan smile in appreciation. The board flickered, drawing his attention back to it just in time to see a new figure appear from out of nowhere. Harry scowled at the robed man and suddenly the muscles in his stomach clenched tightly; something wasn't right.

Suddenly his scar flared, and Harry became a receptor for a certain Dark Lord's wicked delight. He grimaced, clutching at Dumbledore's desk instead of clutching at his head, a dead giveaway if there ever was one to Hermione that something was up. As it was, she noticed the change in him immediately.

Alarmed, she pressed her cool fingers to his forehead, sweeping back his bangs. "Are you all right, Harry? Are you feeling ill? Do I need to get Madam Pomfrey for you?"

Harry shook his head. "No, I'm fine, I promise. Just an upset stomach. I need to see this still."

Hermione frowned at him but acquiesced. "If you say so," she said, doubtfully.

Colored lights, unlike anything that had flashed before, flew around the board. Dumbledore had stepped outside to deal with the figure. The spells flew faster than any of the spellwork from before and they both watched in amazement as their Headmaster dodged each and every one the other man threw. The spells hurtling between the two wizards became faster and faster until the board displayed nothing but a white blur that blew outwards. When Harry and Hermione had finished blinking the light spots out of their eyes, the board was blank.

"What the bloody hell just happened?" Harry demanded, pulling out his wand and tapping the board in earnest.

"It apparently shorted," Hermione said, looking at it in awe.


"Electricity shorts when it's overrun with too much demand."

"So?" Harry replied belligerently, hitting the desk with his fist. "What's that got to do with the price of dragon hide in Kinzenpore?"

"Kinzenpore?" she asked, as he pushed away from the desk.

"Small magical country in Southeast Asia," Harry clarified, looking at the overflowing shelves and running a shaking hand through his hair.

"There's a Muggle phrase similar to that one…" Hermione started only to trail off at his glower. She looked away and ran a finger over the board, her gaze glazing over in thought. "In any case, it looks like the board was unable to handled the huge influx of magical information."

"Now what?"

"Now we wait for Dumbledore to come back," Hermione said matter-of-factly, tucking her wand back into her robes.

"That's it?" Harry said.

"I know you're scared, Harry," Hermione said as she walked towards him. "Remember, I thought my parents were dead not too long ago."

She took his hand and gently led him back to the chairs. She motioned for him to sit down and he did so, surprisingly meek. Then she surprised him by sitting down on his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"It's okay to be scared," she murmured, stroking his hair and looking into his eyes. "Everybody gets that way now and then. If you didn't you wouldn't be--"

The door burst open and a frazzled looking Pomfrey came rushing through the doors. "Where is he?"

"Who?" Hermione asked, jumping off Harry's lap, but taking one of his hands in her own and brushing the palm with her thumb.

"That fool Headmaster with bats for brains!"

"He's not here," Harry said, glancing briefly to Hermione before keeping his gaze firmly on the school Healer.

"Well he will be, so the both of you shoo. I've been alerted about incoming patients so you need to go."

"Wait one minute," Harry began, but they were already being hustled out of the Headmaster's office by a very determined Healer. "Who's injured? My parents? Mum?"

"Run along to your dormitories immediately children. Now. Go. Shoo."

"Madam Pom--" the door swung shut on them and Harry growled in frustration followed by a good swift kick. "Damn it all to bloody hell!"

He turned around and shoved his hands in his pockets, staring a hole into the stone floor. He just had to know what was going on. Something wasn't right, he could feel it. Well if nobody would tell him then he would figure it out for himself. If only he knew how…

"Earth to Harry, this is your girlfriend speaking."

Harry looked up dumbly, blinking slowly at her. He was still trying to interpret her words but then it clicked. Like with the flash of Colin Creevey's camera, the solution was illuminated before him in all its glory. He snapped back into the present and offered Hermione a resolute grin.

"How do you feel about breaking at least a dozen Ministry and school rules?"

Hermione sputtered, stumbling backwards. He grabbed her arm to keep her from falling down the stairs. She licked her lips, staring up at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about, Harry?"

"Professor Vector's project."

"Which one--oh! Oh no! Harry, we couldn't!"

"How do you know that?"

"Because it would break more than just a few rules! We will be expelled for certain!"

"We could have already done it and not doing it could change history," Harry cajoled. "We have the means. My Time Turner can go back four hours. That's plenty of time to make a difference, Hermione."

Hermione kept shaking her head, her bushy hair flying around wildly. "No, we can't."

"Yes, we can," he wheedled, grabbing her shoulders to stop her movement. "We can make sure my parents make it out alive."

"Wouldn't we have seen us on the map?"

"Not if we were in the house," Harry countered. "Dumbledore turned on the map little over an hour ago. Nobody would see us sneaking onto the property."

"Show a little faith," Harry said, pulling out his wand and casting a quick silent accio. "What's the worst that can happen? We know we're either in the Infirmary or in Dumbledore's office so we're not going to run into our past selves and bollocks up things that way."


"And here I thought you were going to mention us dying."

"That too," Hermione stated primly, a slight smile creasing the corner of her mouth.

"How about it? Come with me to rescue my parents?"

"Fine, but if your time piece really goes back four hours you better show me your calculations later."

"Deal!" he said, clapping her on the back. "Good to see you thinking we're going to come through this alive."

"It's better than looking on the dead side of things," she quipped just as the time piece flew around the staircase.

Harry caught the flying object and quickly expanded the length of the band with a nonverbal spell. Hermione purposefully held her wrist out and Harry crossed his over it and draped the watch over them. Together they got it bound tight and secure. They turned the hand-setting knob four hours back and clicked it into place starting the process of traveling backwards through time.

º«««º»»»ºEnd Chapter 20º«««º»»»º