Unofficial Portkey Archive

Unsung Hero by Meghanreviews

Unsung Hero


The crowds of students were screaming wildly around the pitch. The Slytherins were the only house booing the players flying around fighting for the quaffle. Hermione jumped up and down beside him waving her pennant back and forth furiously.

Harry never knew she was so excited about the game and had been disappointed to find out that her excitement was for house pride only. She hadn't a clue as to what was really happening in the game, but was cheering when the rest of the Ravenclaws did. Harry had tried to explain it to her, but one look at her confused expression, had decided it was best just to stop. She didn't get it and probably never would.

The Ravenclaw chasers were scoring fairly often and their score was steadily rising. Harry fervently hoped for one of them to get hit by a bludger and be knocked unconscious allowing Hufflepuff to even out the scores. The Puffs weren't acting brutal enough to win the match and Harry's hand started twitching towards his wand.

Suddenly there was a cry in the stands causing the Slytherins to scream their insults even louder, deafening the other houses. Harry's gaze darted to the Hufflepuff seeker and held his breath. Zeller was closer to the snitch and Harry silently cheered her on while his gaze darted to Blake who was coming up underneath the snitch.

Blake was gaining altitude. Harry urged Zeller to not look down at the other seeker. She'd miss it if she succumbed. The snitch shifted left, darting up and down between the two before zooming off. Harry groaned as Zeller turned too slowly and Blake came even with her.

Ravenclaws were on their feet screaming, going wild. The noise was incredible. If Blake caught the snitch, Ravenclaw would win by a landslide. If Zeller caught it, Hufflepuff would win by fifty points.

"Come on! Come on!" Harry screamed in frustration.

The girl had no excuse; she matched Blake in broom quality even though they were different makes. If she would just lean forward over the handle and will her broom to go faster, it'd all be over.

"Go! Go! Ravenclaw! Go! Go! Ravenclaw!" the students in the stand screamed, briefly drowning out the Slytherin harsh jeering.

The snitch dropped, plummeting to the ground.

"Shit!" Harry muttered, gripping his hair with both hands. "Free fall! Free fall!"

"Hufflepuffs score! 180 to 270!"

The Hufflepuff stand swelled, yellow and black fireworks shooting up from several wands to form a badger in the air. Zeller and Blake were neck and neck in a controlled dive. Harry growled and flicked his hand at the falling seekers. Zeller shrieked as her broom fell several feet. She was even with the snitch, if only she'd let go and grab it!

"Puffs! Puffs!

We've got the Stuff!

You Eagles had 'Nuff?"

The chant rang out as Blake leapt forward, hanging off his broom by one hand. The broom tilted and he dropped several feet. Harry held his breath.

"Zeller get the snitch!" Harry yelled.

Several younger years turned around and yelled obscenities at him, but Harry didn't care. He flung his other hand out. Blake's momentum slowed and Zeller finally reached out and made a swipe at the snitch. She teetered on her broom unsteadily and was kicked by one of Blake's flailing feet.

The snitch veered away and Harry muttered unfavorably. Blake got back on his broom and flew after Zeller. But it was too late, she'd caught the snitch. Hufflepuffs were flooding out of the stands. This was their first win in four years.

"--win by sixty points!"

The Ravenclaw stands groaned dramatically as their players hit the ground. Cornfoot was seen on the pitch yelling at Blake. The fourth year was bright pink and yelling back just as heatedly. Harry smirked in satisfaction, grabbing Hermione close in a happy hug.

"Harry, what's the matter with you? We just lost--oh!"

Harry pulled away and yelled over the noise. "That was a great match!"

Through the noise of the students a distinct conversation filtered toward them from somewhere to their left.

"--gave the position to Blake to get Rebecca Bradley in a broom closet."

"How's that work?"

"She's Blake's cousin!"

"No joke?"

Harry glanced left quickly, unable to believe his ears. Hermione's hand gripped his fiercely in her own, her crown of bushy hair tickling his nose as she leaned around him to search for the speakers.

"No joke! I swear!"

"It worked then?"

"Like a charm!"

Hermione pointed discretely towards a pair of fifth years getting up from the bench a ways down. They disappeared into the throng of Ravenclaws making their way to the hidden stairwell. Harry watched them until they were out of sight.

He glanced back at Blake and Cornfoot still yelling on the pitch. As he watched Madam Hooch approach them, Harry felt his blood boil. So kicking him off his rightful place on the team had been about ensuring that the captain got a chance at getting laid.

"Fucking wanker," Harry growled, fingering his wand. "I'm going curse his pecker off."

Hermione's fingers convulsed around his as she exclaimed, "You can't!"

"Why not? It was one thing being a total jack ass; but this is quite another thing entirely, Hermione. The sodding bastard is going to get what's coming to him."

"It's possible it's just a rumor, Harry."

"It isn't. I heard him boasting about her owing him in the dorm," Harry said, dragging his gaze from the now silent players to meet her own.

Hermione gasped, her hand covering her mouth. "No," she breathed incredulously.


"I can't believe it's true," Hermione whispered, looking ill at the thought of such callousness.

"Believe it."

"We have to tell Professor Flitwick! And Rebecca!"

"Like you did before? He didn't do anything about Cornfoot's decision to kick me off the team, Hermione, because the arsehole had backing from the rest of the team."

"We still have to try."

"You do what you have to do, Hermione. I'll do what I have to do."

"Don't be stupid," she said, pushing her hair back from her face and taking a look around. "There has to be an adult around here somewhere that hasn't gone back to the school."

Harry shook his head at her then grabbed her hand and hauled her behind him back to the school. He ignored her protests and only let go of her wrist once they hit the entrance hall. She rubbed her wrist and glared at him before huffing irritably.

From the Great Hall Hufflepuffs could be heard celebrating as dinner came close to starting. Gryffindor students came over to their table to congratulate them on the win. Once Ravenclaw got over the loss, they too would go over and commend them on a game well played. Nobody expected the Slytherins to say anything unless it was negative and derogatory.

"Do you want to go eat with your friends or come with me?" Harry asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Hermione glanced at her friends through the wide open doors and after a moment shook her head. "As long as we don't go and do something to get us expelled."

"Would I do that?" Harry said with a smirk.

"Should I answer that honestly?"

Harry took her hand, leading her down the stairs into the dungeon and through the corridor and second set of stairs to the fruit bowl painting. He stayed her with a hand. She looked between him and the still life, raising an eyebrow in question.

"Just watch," Harry urged, and then reached up to tickle the pear.

Hermione watched in bemusement until the pear giggled quietly and shifted into a handle. She leaned forward in excitement as if to touch the handle then paused and looked back at him.

"It isn't going to bite you," Harry chided gently, laying his hand on top of hers. "Go on, open the door."

She did and gasped. "Hogwarts uses house elves?"

Harry pushed her inside. "Of course, Hogwarts uses house elves. The school's been providing refuge for them since it's inception."

"It's still slavery," Hermione retorted before a contingent of elves came up to them.

"What can wes do for you Miss Granger? Mr. Potter?"

Harry escorted Hermione to a stool as he replied, "We would like a little something to eat for dinner if you don't mind."

Swibby scurried forward and bowed. "Of course wes don't mind, Mr. Harry Potter, sir."

The other elves scurried about, collecting food from the extras that didn't make it to the dinner tables upstairs yet. Within minutes a four course meal was set before them. Harry thanked the elves and dished Hermione and himself out a plate of food.

Harry dug into his beef casserole, peas, and jacket potatoes. He looked up to find Hermione picking through her meal in distaste. Harry frowned as he watched her shoot concerned glances towards the elves busily cleaning the kitchen and preparing dessert.

"Don't you like casserole?"

Hermione shrugged, and stuck a few peas into her mouth. "I couldn't possibly eat this, Harry, now that I know it's--"

"You're going to offend them if you leave the food untouched," Harry cut in, sternly.


"They put a lot of work into it," he said and seeing she wasn't convinced ordered, "Eat up."

"Doesn't it bother you that these poor creatures are being forced to do this work for free?"

"They're beings, Hermione," Harry noted, dryly. "Not creatures. Creatures do not have the ability of speech. Don't go messing in something you can't possibly understand."

"What do you mean by that?"

Harry took another bite of his casserole and chewed. "What I mean, is that I can see the wheels in your head turning. The house elves will refute your attempts to help them because they don't want it."

"They just don't know any better," Hermione inserted, defiantly.

Harry rolled his eyes and stabbed at his potato. "Swibby and the others, like--no love, their place here at Hogwarts. They would resent your interference. None of them want clothes. Dumbledore makes sure that they're treated well. Even better than they probably would want."

"Can Swibby get yous anything else?" the house elf said, popping up beside them.

Harry picked up his glass of pumpkin juice and handed it down to the little elf. "I would like another glass, please. Thanks, Swibby."

Hermione watched his interaction with the little elf and finally, if a bit resentfully, dug into her meal. Harry watched her eat with satisfaction and hurriedly polished off his plate and scooped up second helpings. Swibby returned with Harry's freshened drink and Harry ordered dessert for the two of them.

They talked about Vector's time turner project and Hermione's dislike of the new creatures Professor Hagrid had them working with in Care of Magical Creatures. Harry laughed at the description of the oddly bred animal and said it sounded like one of Luna's creations.

Hermione finished her plate and refused Harry's offer of seconds. Harry shrugged, and collected their plates into a neat stack for the elves. It was briskly whisked away by three of them wearing little towels with Hogwart's crest on them. Four more came by and set out another place setting before the two of them. Swibby came next and offered them a selection fresh fruit and chocolate dips.

Harry ate a chocolate covered strawberry and decided he'd have another. Hermione ate a few slices of bananas dipped in dark chocolate. He fed her a white chocolate covered raspberry and she closed her eyes in delight. Harry watched in fascination as Hermione ate from his fingers a second raspberry and then a third. He especially like the way she licked the crevices of her mouth, searching for hidden swirls of chocolate. She fed him a few slices of fresh pineapple, blushing prettily as Harry took his time sucking the warm drizzles of chocolate off her fingers.

"What do you say we get out of here and go to the Astronomy tower?" Harry asked, his eyes dark and intense.

Hermione grabbed his hand and practically tugged him off the stool in answer. They laughed and thanked the elves over their shoulders as they raced back up to the entrance hall. Halfway up the stairs, Harry slowed, listening to the ruckus still emanating from the Great Hall.

"Can you believe everybody's still at dinner?" Harry asked, climbing the rest of the way up carefully.

"Oh my word…" Hermione whispered, gripping Harry's hand tightly as they walked dazedly to the door way. "What's going on, Harry?"

Inside the Great Hall hundreds and hundreds of owls flew through the windows. Feathers were flying everywhere as they collided into one another. Several owls swarmed around the professors table and Harry noted grimly that most of them were dropping letters into the Headmaster's lap.

"I'm not sure," Harry murmured, tracking a large eagle through the hall that dropped a package in Draco Malfoy's lap.

A few boys and girls cried out in shock, staring horrified at the letters in their hands. Harry noted the black envelopes that theirs had come in as some broke down sobbing. Whatever was going on was bad and had to do with Voldemort because his scar suddenly flared up.

"Students are getting black letters," Hermione said fearfully. "Black letters were given out during the first war with Voldemort to relations of the deceased victims. He's attacked."

More students had letters dropped on their heads and it seemed as if the flurry of wings would never cease. A second wave of owls burst through the windows. They dropped rolled up newspapers that ended up coated in several chocolate dips and fruits from dessert.

One snowy white owl drifted through the windows and flew towards them, distracting Harry from seeing what the second wave of birds had brought with them. Hedwig glided onto his shoulder and dropped a newspaper into his hand.

"It's a special edition, Harry," said Hermione unnecessarily.

Harry took one look at the blood speckled newspaper and knew Hedwig had wrestled it from a delivery owl. Quickly checking to see that his snowy owl wasn't the one bleeding, Harry ripped the tie off and unrolled the paper revealing the glaring headline, "YOU-KNOW-WHO ATTACKS SOMERSET COASTLINE!"

"Where? Where on the coastline did he attack? Does it say? Are there any survivors?" Hermione asked frantically, ripping the paper out of his hands.

"I don't know. I think it said he attacked from Basilbury to Liverford."

Hermione suddenly wilted. Harry caught her up and deftly placed her on the edge of Gryffindor's benches. Hedwig fluttered onto the table and watched him solemnly. Hermione was sobbing uncontrollably and Harry couldn't stop her. He grabbed the pitcher of water and silently conjured a cup without his wand.

"Drink this," Harry said firmly, pressing the cup into her left hand while prying her fingers from the special edition of the Prophet.

"D-do--do you think they're okay, Harry?" Hermione asked, tears running down her cheeks.

"Who, Hermione?"

"My parents!" she wailed, grabbing Harry's arm as she bent double, crying harder. "We live in Liverford!"

Harry sat down on the bench beside her and scooped her up in his arms. "You can--"

"Talk to the professors!" Hermione inserted with relief, wiping her dripping nose on the edge of her sleeve. "Great idea, Harry!"

"But--" Harry stammered as she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and raced over to the professors. Harry glanced over at Hedwig and sighed, stroking her feathers. "That's not what I meant."

Hedwig trilled softly, twisting her head around to nuzzle his fingers. He shifted his gaze toward Dumbledore and watched the older wizard's grim face as he shoved another pile of letters to McGonagall as he searched through the others. Dumbledore murmured something to Professor Snape, who nodded imperceptibly, a fierce scowl on his face.

There was a disturbance in the middle of the aisle and Harry swiveled to see what was the matter. Daniel was holding a flailing Hermione who was trying to get past him. Without realizing it, Harry was on his feet and beside them in seconds. He pulled his brother away and decked him as hard as he could while Hermione ran toward the professors.

"Ow! What the bloody hell did you do that for?" Daniel yelled, both hands coming up to hold his bleeding nose.

Harry shook his fist out, grimacing in pain. "What the hell do think? Just what were you trying to do with Hermione?"

Daniel pinched his nose and tilted his head back as the students nearest them watched in fascination. "She looked distraught. I was trying to comfort her!"

"That's what she has a boyfriend for, you prat! She was trying to get information from the professors about her parents!"

Daniel dropped his hand and glared at Harry. "I'd be a better boyfriend for her than you ever could."

Harry sneered, and punched his brother in the nose again. "You keep your fucking hands off of her, do you hear?"

Around them Ravenclaws gasped and Gryffindors stood to their feet to back their hero. Ron came up and pulled Daniel up from the floor, who was holding his nose again. The red head faced Harry and cracked his knuckles menacingly. Harry glared at them all from behind narrowed eyes.

"Harry!" Hermione cried, pushing her way through the group of Gryffindor boys to get to him. She lurched forward and clung to his neck and he dropped his gaze from his defiant brother to wrap his arms around her. "They won't tell me anything, Harry! Dumbledore is going off to meet with the Minister Fudge and McGonagall doesn't know any more than we do!"

"What did Flitwick say?" Harry asked, rubbing her back while staring hard at his brother.

Hermione shook her head, pressing herself further into his shoulder. "He--he gave me his condolences, like--like they were dead!" she hiccupped.

Harry pulled her away from the Great Hall as Dumbledore and Fudge swept back through, one restoring order and alerting the staff and the other fidgeting with his lime green bowler hat. Harry pushed Hermione through the crowded aisles, just as Dumbledore called for attention. Harry ignored him and the students retaking their seats, and held an arm out to Hedwig, who flew from the table to them.

"Come on Hermione," Harry said gently, steering her up the flights of stairs, heading to their common room. "Let's go write a note to them and send it off with Hedwig."

"You think they're alive?" Hermione asked desperately, staring him hard in the face.

"Undoubtedly," he confirmed, guiding her with a warm hand on her back.

Hermione took courage from his words and pulled herself together. She grabbed his hand and pulled him up after her as she raced the rest of the way up to the tower. They hurried through the portrait hole out of breath with stitches in their sides. Hermione waved her wand to summon quill and parchment which Harry caught as they hurtled from across the room.

As Hermione wrote furiously across the scroll, Harry walked to the window and talked softly with Hedwig. The great snowy owl hopped from his shoulder to his forearm, digging her talons into his skin.

"Don't take chances with yourself, okay girl?" Harry murmured, stroking Hedwig's beak. She bit his knuckle affectionately and blinked her big yellow eyes. "Reporters and Aurors are probably the only ones left in the area, but you still need to be careful."

Hedwig hooted softly at him and Harry gave her a wane smile.

"I've finished it," Hermione said, thrusting the letter in front of his nose.

Harry took the letter and tied it around Hedwig's ankle. Hedwig hooted loudly and shuffled her feet ready to take off, but waited for the okay from him before doing so.

"Find my parents, Hedwig," Hermione begged, her big brown eyes pleading with the snowy owl.

Hedwig hooted gently as she placed a kiss on her head. Tears spilled from Hermione's eyes again as she stepped back and wrung her hands together. Hedwig bobbed her head and faced her charge.

Harry lifted his arm and looked at his first and best friend straight in the eye. "Be swift, girl. Fly on soundless wings."

She hooted in acknowledgement. Harry tapped her on the head with his wand casting a security charm on her head, followed by a short term notice-me-not spell that would last until she got to Liverford. Hermione opened the latch on the tower window and Harry thrust his arm forward.

"How fast can she fly?" Hermione asked worriedly, watching Hedwig fly off into the darkness.

"She'll be back by morning," he said, taking her hand and interlacing his fingers with hers. "She'll have news from your parents too."

Hermione looked over at him and smiled weakly. "Thank you, Harry."

Harry took in her haggard appearance, from her limp brown hair to her trembling knees and bloodless fingers gripping tightly around his own. He looked at her splotchy face and red rimmed eyes. "You're welcome," he said simply.

The portrait opened admitting Ravenclaws in by the dozens. Several were being helped by friends as they stared blankly around at them. Prefects were organizing everyone and counting heads to make sure nobody was left in the Great Hall. Hermione sank into one of the overstuffed chairs and put her head between her legs. Harry watched his fellow housemates silently as they talked in hushed voices and tripped up the stairs to crash in their beds.

Voldemort had finally brought the war home, straight to wizarding world's front door. Harry wondered idly to himself if people would rally together or fraction apart. If they'd learned from the last war what not to do. He knew they hadn't. Not really. Some students would push themselves harder, in an attempt to shore up helpful dueling skills. Others would disappear from the castle grounds and hide amongst their families.

He didn't worry too much about the fate of Britain's wizarding populace. Their action or inaction would determine what happened to them. But they would be looking at Dumbledore for hope and guidance or at his brother for another miracle. A miracle Harry knew his brother didn't have.

Harry sat down on the edge of the chair Hermione sat in and stared hard at the top of her head. Hermione would put her faith in them, he thought, his stomach churning. He shifted her into his lap as he took her place on the cushion. Her implicit belief in them worried him greatly.

They stayed downstairs after everybody had trudged up to their dorm rooms. He was content to hold her in silence. She fell asleep after many silent hours into their vigil awaiting Hedwig's return. Harry slipped into sleep unknowingly a few hours later, thoughts still whirring madly inside his head.

º«««º»»»ºEnd Chapter 12º«««º»»»º