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Like Bunnies by Jori

Like Bunnies


Like Bunnies
by Jori

A silly and fluffy story where Harry learns to be an Animagus but isn't too fond of the results until Hermione teaches him that it isn't so bad. H/Hr. NC-17

No bestiality/zoophilia involved whatsoever. Just so you know. This story is completely PWP. I'm not kidding. PWP all the way. For those who don't understand what that means, it means there is no plot in this at all. Don't look for one. Don't get to the end and ask me where the plot is or tell me that it could have used some plot. There is no plot and there was never meant to be a plot.

Inspired by an LJ conversation with a friend of mine about the picture on my journal (likebunnies) with the bunny in the glasses.

Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No copyright infringement is intended.


It was embarrassing. Completely and utterly embarrassing.

At first, Harry thought this was a brilliant idea. After much convincing, a few in the Order thought that it might help out in an emergency. Professor McGonagall thought it was only a fair idea but that's because she was the one who would be giving up any free time to set this in motion.

Now Harry wished that he had never heard the word Animagus. He wished that he hadn't asked to learn to transform into anything and he wished he would have taken Tonks up on her offer to help him change his appearance rather than turn into an animal.

It's not that he didn't always imagine what it would be like to be an Animagus. The problem was, Harry always imagined that he'd be some sort of powerful animal. Perhaps a stag like his father or a dog like his godfather. Even a cat would have been okay. He could have been a street cat with a mean streak.

But, no, it couldn't possibly be that easy.

After his first successful transformation, he remembered feeling shocked that he had managed to do it and then looking up to see Professor McGonagall's somewhat stunned expression. Was she shocked that he had managed to pull this off? His heart was beating quickly in his chest and it was then that he noticed she was trying hard to maintain her usual demeanor while a smile was tugging at the very corner of her mouth.

"Excellent, Mr. Potter. You can transform back now," she said and he did so, the transformation going very quickly. His heart was still beating hard but not like it had a second been a second ago.

"So, what am I exactly?" Harry asked, rubbing his chest. Professor McGonagall glanced away from him before looking him squarely in the eyes.

"You, Mr. Potter, are a rabbit."

"A... a rabbit? Like one of those fat hares with the..." he trailed off, hoping that if he was stuck being a rabbit he'd at least be a somewhat strong looking rabbit but she was already shaking her head.


"How about one of those really fast rabbits... that could come in handy if I... no?" he asked after Professor McGonagall continued to shake her head.

"No, Mr. Potter. I'm afraid you are a regular kind of rabbit -- fluffy with a little tail. Your fur is mostly white with black circles around your eyes and a..." she looked up at his forehead and pointed at it, drawing something in the air with her finger. "You have something that looks a lot like a lightning bolt on your head. Between your long floppy ears."

"I have floppy ears!" Harry moaned, sitting down in the nearest chair. This was just too much. How was he ever going to be able to tell any of his friends about this? A rabbit? A fluffy, cute rabbit with floppy years. It was just a fluffy tail and big ears above being a rat.

He could picture Ron trying not to burst out with laughter but failing. He could hear Hermione tell him how wonderful it was as she reeled off all the wizards in the past who have been able to transform into a rabbit (if there were any.) Of course she wouldn't laugh. She had grown even more serious about these things since they started dating a few months back as if her seriousness was what was going to keep him alive if he ever had to face Voldemort again. Then again, maybe this would be her breaking point. How could she remain serious when finding out her boyfriend was a rabbit?

Harry let out another little moan. Not only did he have to worry about his friends but there was the ever-present worry about Voldemort. Maybe next time he was face to face with his enemy, all he'd have to do is transform into a fluff ball. Harry could hop on out of there while Voldemort was doubled over with laughter.

"I knew this was a bad idea," Professor McGonagall said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm happy you didn't try to learn to do this in secret with your friends but sometimes it's not easy when you find out what else you really are."

"I'm a rabbit."

"I'm a cat. Over time, you will learn to use whatever you are to its full advantage. Now stand up, Mr. Potter. I would like for you to try it one more time. It's bad enough we're going to have an unregistered Animagus wandering around the halls of Hogwarts. It's the least I can do to make sure you can do it well," Professor McGonagall instructed and Harry stood up. Looking her in the eyes, he transformed again, the room growing bigger around him. He gave his professor a look from ground level and noticed she smiled when he wiggled his nose at her.


Harry entered the Gryffindor common room, hoping his friends had already gone to bed. Considering how awful his day had already been, he knew he wouldn't be so lucky. Ron and Hermione were sitting on the large couch in front of the fire waiting for him. As soon as she noticed him, Hermione bombarded him with questions.

"How did it go? Did you do it? What are you? How did it feel?"

"I... er... I'm a... well," Harry started but couldn't quite get the words out. How was he going to tell them he was a bloody stupid rabbit? Anyone else would turn into something powerful but not him. How could this be happening to him?

"You didn't do it, did you?" Ron asked, sounding disappointed. Professor McGonagall had been working with Harry for weeks with no luck. His friends asked the same questions every time he returned from his lessons and Harry had never had an answer before now.

"Yes, I did," Harry said and Ron let out a loud whoop of joy.

"Finally! So, out with it already! What are you? A snake? That would come in handy, you speaking Parseltongue and all. You'd be able to fit right in with the Slytherins and no one would know you were there," Ron said, smiling brightly at the thought.

"No, not a snake. Not anything special. It's getting late and I have to work with Professor Snape tomorrow morning on..."

"Oh no! You're not sneaking off until you tell us what you can transform into," Hermione said, inviting Harry to join them with a pat on the couch next to her. He flopped onto the cushion and slumped down, staring at the roaring fire.

"Come on, Harry. It can't be that bad? Are you a cat? Oh, a dog! That would be great! Or a stag like your dad?" Ron asked, talking faster than Harry could think. Or rather, faster than Harry could figure out what to tell them.

"No, not a cat. Not a dog. Not a stag," he answered, sounded downhearted.

"Then what? You can tell us," Hermione said, wrapping her arm through his and taking his hand. Harry screwed his eyes shut and worked up the courage to say the words. He had to tell them sooner or later. This wasn't something he could keep a secret for long from his best friends or from the rest of the school. Hermione leaned in closer to him and whispered, "You can tell me anything. You know that."

"Hey! You're not leaving me out of this!" Ron said, giving Hermione a tug and pulling her away from Harry. "Just because you two run off to snog all the time now doesn't mean he's not my best friend, too. If Harry and I were the ones snogging, I wouldn't leave you out."

Ron's face turned all shades of magenta after he realized what he had said. Hermione raised an eyebrow at him and Harry simply cleared his throat. "We aren't leaving you out," Hermione said, looking at Harry. "We never leave you out. I was just suggesting that if Harry felt more comfortable telling me first and then you, he can do that."

"A rabbit! I'm a bloody stupid rabbit!" Harry blurted out, thankful they were the only ones left in the common room. Harry's declaration was met with silence. He looked at Ron to find him looking rather surprised, his hand clapped over his mouth. At least he wasn't laughing. Yet. Only a few more seconds elapsed until a little hoot of laughter escaped from Ron's mouth and past his hand. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry caught Hermione poking Ron in the ribs with her elbow.

"A rabbit. Several very powerful wizards are associated with rabbits. There's Leopold the..." Hermione started to say in her usual textbook manner.

"Oh, shut up already!" Harry said and Hermione fell silent, a stunned expression plastered across her face.

"How bad is it, mate? Are you at least a masculine looking rabbit? You know, powerful back legs good for jumping?" Ron asked, sending Harry spiraling further into his feeling of despair.

"Not exactly."

"Are you one of those big rabbits? The ones with the huge ears?" Ron asked next. Hermione was still sitting in stunned silence.

"I'm not one of those, either! I'm a fluffy little bunny with floppy little ears. I'm white except for some black around my eyes and a thing on my head. I'm small and furry and, according to Professor McGonagall, cute!" Harry said, wishing he could disappear into the couch.

"It can't be all that bad, Harry," Hermione said in a rather soothing tone. She pulled her hand away from his and placed it on his shoulder. She moved her fingers up to his hair and played with the ends that were starting to get too long.

"Too right. It can't be all that bad," Ron said, trying to sound sincere. "Go on then. Show us your stuff."

"I promised McGonagall I wouldn't do it out of her presence until I've had more practice. She's worried something might happen to me," Harry said with a shrug.

"Like what? You'll end up in a stew?" Ron asked with a chuckle.

"No, more like I won't be able to transform back into me. I'd forever be known as the bunny who lived," Harry said. With that, Hermione let out a staccato burst of laughter.

"There has to be a positive side to all this, Harry. You know what rabbits are good at, right?" Ron asked slyly.

"Leaving filthy little droppings all over?" Harry asked.

"There's that. And then there's... you know... doing it like rabbits. Like bunnies... bunnies are --" Ron might have said more had Hermione not interrupted him.

"Oh!" she said in surprise, her face now a burning shade of scarlet.

"Oh!" Harry said, his voice rising up several octaves on just that one word. "Oh."

"Oh is right," Ron said, stifling a yawn. "If you aren't going to show us just how cute you really are, I might as well go to bed.

"Goodnight, Ron," Harry and Hermione said at the same time. Harry yawned, stretching his tired arms and legs.

"Maybe you ought to go to bed, too. You've had a long day and tomorrow isn't going to be any better," Hermione said and Harry nodded. She got off the couch and started to gather up her books.

"I'll be up in a minute, Ron," Harry said sleepily.

"All right. Well, hop on up to bed when you're ready, Harry," Ron said, dashing away before Harry could find something heavy to throw at him.


For a second, Harry thought perhaps he had somehow transformed into a rabbit again during his Occlumency lesson with Snape. The potions master seemed to be looming over him, his dark eyes narrowed as Harry tried to figure out what exactly was going on. He had been doing well since he accepted the fact that he was going to have to learn how to do this to protect himself and his friends but with all the events of the last few days, maybe he slipped up and turned into a bunny to protect himself from Snape.

"Stand up, Mr. Potter," said Snape and Harry looked down to find himself on his hands and knees on the dungeon floor. They were his hands and knees, not some fluffy paws and... could rabbits even get on their knees?

Harry stood up, unable to shake off the feeling that he failed this time. "What happened?" he asked, rubbing his temples.

"I was right when I told the Headmaster that you couldn't handle more than one thing at a time. Apparently, Professor McGonagall's lessons have gotten to you and now you can no longer block me... or perhaps it's because you really are as weak-minded as a rabbit?" Snape said, smirking at Harry.

"What?" Harry asked. He couldn't believe he had allowed Snape entry into his mind to see such a thing. Or could it be possible that McGonagall told him after he finally managed to transform last night? Did all his teachers know? Who would Snape tell next?

"What did you think when they decided you should learn to be an Animagus? Did you think you'd be a stag like your father? Or a smelly old dog like Black? You never imagined that you would be anything less than that, did you?" Snape asked him and Harry took a step back.

"There's nothing wrong with a rabbit. That is what I am so I will have to make the best of it," Harry said, trying so hard to sound convincing. Too bad even he didn't believe that.

"Sir. The best of it, sir," Snape said,

"The best of it, sir," Harry said, wiping his sweaty hands on his robes.

"I'm surprised you didn't turn out to be a snake," Snape said, looking him up and down.

"I didn't want to be a snake."

"You didn't want to be a rabbit, either."

"Are we done here for today, sir? I need to get..." Harry started to say and Snape looked down his nose at him, waiting for a good answer. Harry didn't really need to be anywhere for another hour and Snape knew it.

"Yes?" Snape asked, still watching Harry closely with his dark eyes. "Where could you possibly have to run off to so fast, Mr. Potter? Afraid someone might come along and turn you into a nice pair of fur mittens?"

"No, sir," Harry said, holding Snape's stare, feeling that he was trying to get inside his mind and was failing. This made Harry quite happy as Snape already knew too much.

"I thought perhaps instead of breakfast in the Great Hall with your friends, you were considering grazing in one of the school gardens," Snape said and Harry wasn't going to let Snape get a rise out of him. There had to be worse things than being an Animagus who transformed into a rabbit, right?

"I intend to eat in the Great Hall just as always, sir, right after I finish here," Harry said, still allowing Snape to look into his eyes. It was then that Harry realized what would be worse than transforming into a bunny; he could have transformed into a greasy git like his potions professor. Then he'd have something to really be embarrassed about.


Harry's head was bursting with pain. He always had a headache after spending time with Snape and now all he wanted to do was have breakfast and get to his next class.

He sat next to Hermione and across from Ron and rubbed his temples.

"Bad session?" Hermione asked, putting a piece of buttered toast on Harry's plate. He just stared at it.

"No, not really -- except Snape knows. I knew he'd find out eventually but I don't know why he had to make me feel so awful about it. Now I have a headache and I have a full day followed by another lesson with McGonagall and... oh, bloody hell! What now?" Harry asked when he caught a glimpse of Draco Malfoy coming towards the Gryffindor table, Crabbe and Goyle in tow.

"We thought you might like these, Potter," Draco said, quickly dropping a bunch of carrots onto the toast on Harry's plate.

"You are a complete arse, Malfoy," Hermione said, quickly grabbing the carrots and shoving them back at him. She managed to get the butter that had transferred from the toast to the carrots all over Draco's robes and he stepped back, letting the carrots drop to the floor.

"That's probably a better place for Potter to eat them anyway," Draco said, stepping over the carrots. Crabbe and Goyle did the same, leaving them for Harry to pick up. "See you later, Floofy McBunkins."

"Floofy McBunkins?" Harry asked as soon as Draco and his friends were gone.

Hermione was just as puzzled as he was and they both looked to Ron. "Floofy McBunkins is a character in a book most children from wizarding families have read. Ginny even had a toy Floofy at one time. He was rather cute," Ron answered and Harry closed his eyes and moaned. For a while, he had been happy he wasn't going to be called Flopsie or Mopsy or any number of other rabbits in Muggle stories that most of the students here would have never had heard of. Now he wasn't sure what was worse -- Flopsie or Floofy.

"How did he find out so fast?" Harry asked, opening his eyes and looking from Ron to Hermione.

"Don't blame me, mate," Ron said. "I wouldn't even tell him the time of day let alone that you can transform into a bunny..."

"Rabbit. Not a bunny. A rabbit," Harry corrected.

"Right. A rabbit. Doesn't matter since I didn't tell him," Ron finished and Harry looked to Hermione. Her eyes grew wide and she nearly sputtered out all her pumpkin juice.

"Why would I tell him? You know me better than that!" Hermione said, dabbing at her chin with a napkin. "This is Hogwarts, Harry. Nothing stays a secret for long and you know that."

"It would have been nice if this had stayed a secret for a little longer. If Malfoy knows than his father will know and this whole exercise has just been rendered pointless," Harry said, picking up his squashed toast and biting off a corner.

"It's rather disturbing how quickly he found out. Maybe Snape told him. Or do you think he's been spying on you?" Ron asked.

"I wouldn't put it past him," Harry said thoughtfully. "Maybe Draco's an unregistered Animagus. Maybe that's how he's been spying on me."

"You think you'd notice a ferret hanging around your lessons," Ron said with a laugh.

"Speaking of lessons... do you think Professor McGonagall would let me sit in on your lesson this evening? I would really like to watch," Hermione asked and Harry blanched. Just what he needed was his girlfriend watching him as he struggled to turn into a ball of fluff and whiskers. "That is, if you don't mind."

He looked in her eyes and realized that if there was anyone on this earth he could share this horrid experience with, it was Hermione. She had gone through nearly everything else with him so why not this? If she didn't make fun of him after the first sloppy kisses they shared together a few months back, she surely wasn't going to make fun of him transforming into a rabbit.

"Just as long as you don't laugh," Harry said and Hermione nodded. Ron opened his mouth but before he could ask, Harry spoke up. "No. You can take over tonight's Quidditch practice since I won't be able to make it."

Ron beamed at the prospect just like Harry knew he would. Pretending he was Quidditch captain had to be better than watching his best friend turn into Floofy McBunkins.


This time the floor was cold under his entire body, not just his hands and knees. Harry looked up to find his girlfriend towering over him, a look of amazement on her face. That was soon replaced by the look women typically give to adorable fluffy animals and cute babies in prams. He looked to Professor McGonagall who was nodding her head in approval.

"Wow," was the only word Hermione could manage to get out. She reached down but before she could touch him, he transformed back.

"I don't think so," he said and Hermione gave him a quizzical look. "It's still embarrassing enough without having you scratching me between my ears."

"Mr. Potter, once again, you can do something very few in the wizarding world can do. You shouldn't feel embarrassed about it at all," Professor McGonagall scolded and Harry looked down at his feet. Hermione reached out and touched the sleeve of his robe and he lifted his eyes to meet hers.

"She's right, you know," Hermione said with a reassuring smile.

"And it convinces me even more that you'll have the skill and determination to become a fine Auror someday. That is, if you still want to," Professor McGonagall, peering at Harry over her glasses.

"Yes! I haven't changed my mind about that," Harry said.

"And I haven't forgotten what I said that day. Perhaps that's one of the reasons I conceded to help you learn to be an Animagus. That, and I assumed like your father and his friends, you and Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley would make an attempt to learn this on your own so it was best if I assisted at least one you," Professor McGonagall said, shifting her gaze from Harry to Hermione.

Hermione shook her head and put her hand to her chest. "I wouldn't! Not without the proper instruction!"

Their professor merely nodded her head and Harry sensed she didn't quite believe Hermione wouldn't try to teach herself such a thing. Harry reckoned that if she had the right book, Hermione could probably transform into whatever she wanted to. Maybe she could teach herself to be a rabbit, too, and... he cut that thought off before it went too far and he embarrassed himself further.


They had barely made it out of the Transfigurations classroom when Hermione grabbed Harry, pushing him against the wall. Her mouth quickly found his and a very startled Harry couldn't imagine what was going on. What he could imagine was Professor McGonagall walking out of the door at any second to see this. Hermione pulled away and Harry struggled to catch his breath.

"What was that for?" Harry asked and Hermione smiled, her fingers still holding onto the front of his robes.

"I'm just really proud of you, that's all. Did you hear what she said about being an Auror? She knows you have the determination and learning this was just one more step on that path," Hermione said, releasing his robes and taking his hand in hers, pulling him down the corridor toward the stairs.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," Hermione said and Harry couldn't even begin to imagine what his girlfriend was up to. At this point, he was just along for the ride. They arrived at the Room of Requirement and Harry gave Hermione a puzzled look. "Come in."

"Is this some sort of trick? More people ready to make fun of me about being a rabbit? Am I going to walk in there and find a bunch of carrots because that's what I need?" Harry asked, rather suspicious of this whole thing.

"Do you need a bunch of carrots?" Hermione asked.

"I don't think so. Do I?" Harry asked.

"I don't think you will."

"Then what do I need? We must need something if we could find the room in the first place," Harry said and Hermione rolled her eyes at him, opening the door and tugging him into the room.

"See, no carrots," Hermione said as Harry stared at the room with wide-eyed wonder. For the first time ever (or at least the first time for him), the Room of Requirement had a bed in the middle of it. A very big bed covered with piles of pillows, many in the shape of stars and crescent moons. One even twinkled at him.

"Hermione, did seeing me as a rabbit turn you on because if it did, well, that's just really weird," Harry said and Hermione shook her head. "And the whole thing about bunnies that Ron was joking about... I wouldn't know. You know that."

"Maybe it's time we find out," Hermione said, kicking off her shoes and walking over to the bed. She sat on the edge of it and pat the spot next to her but Harry's legs had forgotten how to move. Every muscle in his body had forgotten how to move, actually, and for the longest time, he stood there looking rather stupid. This was the bloody Room of Requirement, Harry thought, and it should do something to help him out of this. But nothing happened. Maybe he was required to get though this by himself.

"If you'd rather not, we can go back to the common room" Hermione said sadly. "I just thought..."

"No! No, just stay there. I'm sure I'll be able to move any second now," Harry said and Hermione stood up and came to him. She took his hands and coaxed him to the bed, his feet stumbling a few times along the way. Hermione turned him around and he sat down on the edge of the bed with her beside him.

"I have never seen you frozen with fear before. Does this scare you?" Hermione asked.

"Bloody right it does!" Harry said, feeling the sweat form across his brow.


"Because you expect something -- you have something to compare this to -- I don't know!" Harry said, exasperated with himself for acting this way. It wasn't how he imagined their first time. It was going to be all flowers and chocolates, not something inspired by him transforming into a fluffy bunny. He blamed his inner rabbit for this confusion he was suffering.

"Come here," Hermione said, scooting up the bed until her head was resting near the twinkling pillow. Harry took off his shoes and followed her. They were facing each other and she reached out and brushed her thumb across his bottom lip. Her eyes held his and he could see how much she loved him in her gaze. No one else had ever looked at him like Hermione. "I'm not comparing you to anyone because no one can compare."

She ran her hand down his cheek and then moved it behind his head, pulling him to her. One gentle kiss was followed by a far more passionate one and they quickly became a tangle of arms and legs. His hesitation from a minute ago was forgotten as he felt Hermione's hands struggle to get his robes off.

"Hold on, I'll do it," Harry said, hating to end the kiss but anxious at the same time to see what was coming next. He tossed his robes off the side of the bed and Hermione did the same. He watched as she pulled her jumper over her head and let it fall to the floor, too. Her skin was pale against her white bra and he had to force himself to speak. "Can I?"

"What?" Hermione asked, her hands going behind her as she unhooked her bra.

"Can I do that... I wanted to do that," Harry said sullenly and Hermione laughed.

"I'm sure you'll get another chance," she said, lying back down next to him.

"Then can I touch them?" he asked, sounding rather stupid. They had made out plenty of times over the past weeks but the few times he had felt her breasts was through all her clothing. He had been hoping this day would come; he just didn't expect it to be today.

She took one of his hands in hers and squeezed it. "Yes."

They were firm yet soft under his touch and he could look at them forever. Maybe this was some side effect of the whole rabbit thing but he couldn't imagine why since girl bunnies didn't exactly have breasts per se. He brushed his thumb over a pink nipple and it grew firm under his touch. Hermione didn't even touch him yet and he was already painfully hard.

He kissed her lips again, his tongue darting into her mouth briefly, gathering up the courage for what he wanted to do next. His heart was now beating as fast as it had been when he was a rabbit and he slipped down the bed until he could twirl tongue around her hardened nipple. When he pulled it into his mouth, Hermione moaned and that made him happy. Perhaps he wouldn't be a total failure at this.

Harry reached lower down her body and pushed up her skirt, his fingers delving between her thighs. She let her knees fall open as he did so and he was never more thankful for that dirty book he and Ron had found hidden away in George's belongings when they helped him move last summer. It was quite educational.

He tugged her damp knickers aside and with a minimum of effort and confusion, he found the place that made her whole body grow tense under his touch. "Oh!" was all she said and he gave up on her breasts and focused only on this other little treasure he found. Watching her writhe on the bed, he was sure he was going to come before he even got his pants off. That would be embarrassing and he had already suffered enough embarrassment this week.

She moaned with disappointment when he took his fingers away but he wanted to be inside of her so badly. Unfastening her skirt, he pulled it down until she was able to kick it off, leaving her in a pair of simple white knickers. He sat up and quickly pulled his shirt over his head and the got out of his pants. That left the two of them in their underclothes. And socks. They both still had on their socks. He sucked in a deep breath and then discarded his boxers, too.

Lying down beside her, Harry could feel her eyes travel the length of his body before she looked at his face again, smiling. She reached out and touched a smooth spot on his hip before her hand made its way to his erection, her fingers dancing across his hot skin.

How was he ever going to last if she kept that up? He pulled away from her touch and helped her out of her knickers, his eyes feasting on her entire body now.

"Come here," Hermione said as they worked out who would be where. Harry ended up between her thighs with her under him, legs wrapped high around his waist.

"We don't need some sort of charm at this point, do we?" Harry asked and Hermione told him that everything was fine. With that, he slipped into her body and almost came undone. Hermione reached up and brushed aside the sweaty hair sticking to his forehead and then rested her hand on his cheek.

He moved, slowly at first, afraid that at any second this would all be over but then he didn't care. They'd just have to do it again. And again. And then probably again. Like fucking rabbits.

Thrusting harder, his eyes never left Hermione's. Her mouth dropped open and the cutest noise escaped from her throat. "Hermione, I know this is fast but..."

"Go ahead. I'll catch up," she said, and he maneuvered around so he could sink into her even further. Everything in the room swirled around him and the twinkling pillow started to twinkle even faster and then it faded into nothing before exploding. Except it wasn't the pillow doing that but something inside his head.

Falling. He was falling and didn't stop until he opened his eyes to find Hermione smiling underneath him. "Did you like that?" she asked, knowing full well what the answer was.

"That was the best thing since... I don't even know. There hasn't been anything better," Harry said, trying to catch his breath. He could feel Hermione breathing hard underneath him as well. "Next time will be better, though. Next time, I'll try to last longer than thirty-five seconds."

"I don't mind because now you can do this," Hermione said, gently pushing at his hips until he rolled off her. She guided his hand over her stomach and then down until he was touching her like he did before. Everything was even more slick now and he couldn't take his eyes off of her face. She wasn't self-conscious at all in front of him and he was happy about that. This was just one more step in this relationship that had been forming for years now.

She rolled her hips against him and he stroked her even harder. Would he even be able to tell... but before he could finish that thought, Hermione's entire body quaked with pleasure and she called out his name. That just got him aroused again and he couldn't even believe it could happen that fast. As soon as she opened her eyes again, she noticed his erection brushing up against her leg and she shook her head and laughed.

"Maybe Ron was right," she said, rolling him over onto his back as she straddled his hips. "Maybe there is something behind this whole rabbit thing."

"I hope so. Something has to make up for hard time I'm going to get from everyone over it," Harry said, letting out a deep moan as Hermione moved against him before letting him slip inside again.

"Just smile and remind them what rabbits are the best at, Harry. And trust me, I'll be there to back up your story," Hermione said, leaning forwards so her hair brushed against his chest, her fingers digging into his upper arms. She moved up so slowly and he was simply mesmerized by it all.

And for the first time in days, Harry was glad to be just like bunnies.


The End

End notes: Yes, I know that chances are, Harry's Animagus would be the same as his Patronus but that just didn't work in this story. He had to be a rabbit. :)